National Citizen's Inquiry spotlights Health Canada’s lack of regulatory safeguards
The National Citizen's Inquiry (NCI) commissioners have released an interim report, based on an eight-week cross-country citizen-led inquiry into Canada’s COVID-19 response, that emphasizes regulatory oversight concerns within the federal drug regulation and safety agency.
In light of the recent authorization by Health Canada, which has endorsed and promoted yet another novel mRNA COVID-19 booster for all Canadians aged six months and up, the commissioners focused their efforts on the authorization process and how the supposed temporary, emergency use interim order became a permanently implemented approval process.
Under this amended legislation, COVID-19 therapies can get guaranteed authorization even in the absence of detailed evidence of safety and substantial evidence of efficacy.
The interim report included a letter sent to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from the NCI’s administrator Ches Crosbie, calling on him to immediately implement recommendations outlined by the commissioners and withdraw the novel injections from use pending a full review of the biologics using traditional, objective regulations.
“Under the original regulations for how a drug gets approved in Canada the manufacturers were required to prove objectively that the drug was safe and effective,” says NCI commissioner Ken Drysdale. “An objective proof is something like ‘what is 2+2?’ and you say ‘four,’ that’s an objective question and answer.”
“They’ve switched that test now into a subjective question. That would be something like ‘How do you feel about 2+2?’ There isn’t a real answer. So what the government has done is gone from requiring the manufacturers to prove safety and effectiveness, the manufacturers [now] only have to provide enough information that you could conclude that it’s safe and effective. The government did this as an urgent public emergency but the interesting thing is that since that interim order has expired and the government has changed that actual regulation, the changed regulation still permits COVID-19 vaccines to be approved without proving objective safety and efficacy and has removed the requirement for an urgent public need. [Manufacturers] no longer get this out of the regulation based on urgency or an emergency, they get [authorization] because they are COVID-19 vaccines. That’s a significant change to the regulation.”
Despite the fact that the Canadian state-backed broadcaster, the CBC, has featured news stories on top medical experts calling for a national inquiry into Canada’s COVID-19 response failures, the legacy media remained almost entirely silent as the citizen-led, citizen-funded National Citizen's Inquiry travelled across the country from March until May earlier this year, doing just that.