Ontario school board forces parents to watch meetings from outside boardroom!

Design disaster! Was the HQ for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board purposefully designed to keep parents from attending meetings?

The Mississauga, Ont.-based headquarters for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board is, in a word, an abomination.

Oh, granted, this multimillion-dollar edifice is appealing to the eye. But when it comes to functionality, this structure is an abject failure.

Case in point: when the DPCDSB has board meetings, there are plenty of comfy seats for the trustees and the staffers. As for attendees – you know, those taxpayers who actually pay the salaries of the educrats – well, they are out of luck when it comes to reasonable accommodation.

Which is to say, there is zero space in the boardroom for attendees! Instead, parents, delegates, journalists, and everyone else must remain in the common area and look at the meeting from a distance through open doors! There are typically some chairs provided, but never enough to accommodate attendees. So it is that most people, including the elderly, must remain standing – sometimes for hours.

It’s disgraceful. Typically, city halls and the headquarters for school boards have theatre-style seating for attendees so that people can see and hear what’s transpiring. Indeed, directly across the street from the DPCDSB is the Peel District School Board. This board adroitly accommodates all attendees as if they were attending a play. And gracious, doesn’t theatre design date back to the ancient Greeks?

In fact, most attendees at a DPCDSB meeting can only see what is happening thanks to a large screen TV. But more importantly, the audio is atrocious, At the meeting Rebel News attended last Tuesday, it was impossible to hear what many delegates had to say due to atrocious amplification. In the broadcast journalism business, there’s a saying: bad video is tolerable; bad audio is unforgiveable.

Yet, how could the DPCDSB be so incompetent and uncaring? How could an architect be so inept and clueless?

But then again, what if the lousy layout of this edifice is not by accident, but rather, by design?

After all, what better way to get parents and other concerned individuals to NOT attend school board meetings than by making the experience brutally uncomfortable? And really, given that one can’t even hear what delegates are saying, what would be the point of showing up in the first place?

Put another way, who needs security guards and police officers to frog-march people out of school board meetings for daring to ask impolite questions if constituents aren’t even going to be attending in the first place?

Bottom line: this building is a complete and utter failure. The interior needs to be reconfigured as soon as possible. We have a hunch it never will be because the board loves things just the way they are.

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David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-24 23:17:15 -0500
    How totalitarian! School boards forget who pays them and who pays for education. I’m tired of this god complex these jerks have. We always must remind them that children belong to parents, not socialist indoctrination experts. That’s what teachers have become these days. It was even bad in the 70s when I was in high school. We had three social studies teachers who were all socialists.