Oxford-educated pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson on rapidly changing vaccine advice

The media, big tech and politicians keep telling us to follow the science and trust the doctors, but then they tell us which doctors and which science we are allowed to listen to.

People advocating to hear from more sources regarding the coronavirus have been called conspiracy theorists and antivaxxers by politicians and bureaucrats and their mainstream media enablers. Those same people have been repeatedly censored by big tech for questioning the official coronavirus narrative about the genesis of the disease and the possible dangers of mixing vaccines.

But in recent weeks, those previously maligned by the official information gatekeeping class have been proven credible.

On Monday, the head scientist at the WHO called mixing vaccine strains for first and second doses “dangerous” saying there was “little data” about the long term health outcomes. However, as late as Saturday, when booking a second vaccine dose in Alberta, the advice was that it was safe to mix vaccines.

The previously discredited theory that the virus originated either intentionally or accidentally in the Chinese military's Wuhan Virology Institute is now a mainstream hypothesis.

And the deplatformed, now proven right, remain deplatformed and those who silenced them and mocked them carry on like we are all hard of remembering. It's medical gaslighting.

On this week's episode of The Gunn Show, Canada's most censored doctor, Oxford-educated pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson joins Sheila Gunn Reid to shed some light on the rapidly changing advice around vaccines. 

On how the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted the mental health of children and youth Dr. Hodkinson said to Sheila:

And all for absolutely no reason at all. The litany of consequences for children beyond mental health I can speak to further...The last stat that I saw; that there's been a 200% increase in calls to the teenage suicide hotline, with those ridiculous lockdowns that basically had them shut in their rooms, the litany of consequences just keeps on growing. Quite apart from the serious psychological consequences, we have the retardation of toddlers failing to appreciate non-verbal communication which is a very important aspect of education for a young child and we have the very disturbing reports of Myocarditis in young males described as mild essentially by CDC. 

This is only an excerpt of this week's episode of The Gunn Show. To watch the full episode of The Gunn Show become a subscriber to RebelNews+.  


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