Pastor Artur Pawlowski on his sweeping victory in Alberta's highest court

Following two years of harassment and vengeance by police and prosecutors, Pastor Artur Pawlowski scored an incredible legal victory Friday when the highest court in Alberta unanimously ruled that all of the arrests and harassment against him were illegal.

The court ruled that none of the arrests, imprisonment or punishments were valid, and that Justice Adam Germain's bizarre compelled speech provision was a violation of our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The government was further ordered to give back every penny in fines that Artur and his brother Dawid had paid, and in fact, that the government had to pay for the cost of the appeal itself. We don't know how they'll compensate Artur for his two months in prison, much of it in solitary confinement.

It was thanks to you, our generous viewers, and your donations at over the course of this two and a half year legal battle that this victory was achieved.

On Monday night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we were joined by Pastor Artur to discuss his momentous victory in the Alberta Court of Appeal.

Sharing a recent interaction that he had with MLA Travis Toews, Jason Kenney's former Finance Minister, Artur said:

"I said to him, 'Listen, what you did to me is unbelievable. Can you tell me why you did this to me and why you're still persecuting me, your government?'

And he looked at me and he said, 'On the behalf of Albertans, I apologize for what happened to you.'

I said, 'But that's not good enough. You have to call the press and you have to tell them what is going on with me. The atrocity that you have implemented on me, my family, my friends, my brother, Dawid, his wife, my parents is wrong.'

"And he says, 'Well that's the thing — I cannot do that.'


"And when I said to him, 'That's not good enough, your government did this to me and you're still doing this to me. It's not over for me. I'm still on house arrest. I'm still facing criminal charges. Just simply being a pastor and feeding the poor.'

As you know, Ezra, I'm still facing a $100,000 ticket for feeding the homeless during this craziness.

And then he says, 'Well it's before the courts... and I cannot do anything else.' And yet he's running for the leadership of UCP party as we speak, right now. And then he tweets this craziness that he was always cheering for me."

This is just an excerpt from The Ezra Levant Show, which airs Monday–Friday at 8 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. MT.

To see the full episode, and to gain access to all of our premium shows, become a subscriber to RebelNews+.

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