Police and bylaw raid Hamilton freedom rally, hand out $880 fines for protesting

This past Sunday marked the 25th week of continuous protests against lockdown restrictions from the crowd in Hamilton, Ontario. Each week, a Freedom Rally takes place outside Hamilton City Hall. However, bylaw enforcement and police have been ticketing each participant $880 simply for being “in a group larger than 5,” as per the Reopening Ontario Act.

I was inside the crowd reporting live.

I decided to be on the scene at City Hall in case the usual suspects, government gang members, were to show up. Like clockwork, they did.

Bursting out of the City Hall building itself, I saw six armed officers and bylaw enforcement pounce to immediately detain the half a dozen people who had gathered for the Freedom Rally.

Apparently, it’s now illegal to protest in the province of Ontario under Doug Ford’s reign. Instead of just recording video to use for a report later in the week, I decided to go live on our Instagram (@news.rebel) to broadcast immediately to as many people as possible.

Most people in Ontario are completely unaware of what’s happening to peaceful protesters in their own country.

If you, like me, are angered to see regular folks being hit with a $880 or more COVID fine for simply exercising their Charter rights, head over to FightTheFines.com and help chip in to provide free lawyers to them. 

Rebel News has partnered with a registered charity for this campaign, so your donation will now provide you with a charitable tax receipt.

Efron Monsanto

Head of Video

Formerly Hamilton-based, now Toronto man and Head of Video Production for Rebel News, Efron Monsanto joined as an intern in 2017 and has been a Rebel ever since. While witnessing Canada succumb to government overreach through the powers of un-elected medical bureaucrats, he became a video journalist. Documenting police and municipal thuggery alike, he strives to shine light on the darkness that is covering Canada’s liberty.



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