EXCLUSIVE: Premier Smith on tax cuts, immigration, pensions, policing and Oilers games

Politics almost always takes longer than people would like, but there are critical moments in politics, such as the lead-up to an election or pending leadership review — like the one Premier Danielle Smith is set to face at the upcoming November United Conservative Party annual general meeting — when politicians, regardless of stripes, seem more inclined to listen to voters.

It isn’t a coincidence that Smith is touring the province doing a series of townhalls right now, just a few months before trust in her leadership will be put to a vote by party membership.

And that isn’t a bad thing.

A politician being accountable and available to answering questions from normal Albertans like you or I just prior to asking for a vote of confidence is a good thing.

We recently asked dozens of UCP MLAs if they support Smith's leadership, and while their show of unity behind their leader was unsurprisingly uniform, there is no doubt that some in the conservative movement, even some who supported Smith’s leadership bid, would like to see more commitments honoured sooner rather than later.

Rebel News was on location at a recent townhall that was hosted by the Calgary-Lougheed constituency association, where Premier Smith fielded dozens of questions in front of a crowd of nearly 500 on a wide range of topics that were submitted by folks in attendance at the event.

We were fortunate to be joined by Premier Smith for an exclusive interview where we asked when Albertan’s will see tax cuts, or at least a concrete plan for tax cuts. Smith also weighed-in on unbridled immigration, with a disproportionate number of newcomers to Canada making Alberta their home.

We also pressed the premier on what she plans to do to ensure political entitlement doesn’t see the UCP undone in a Redford-era Sky Palace type scandal, in addition to enquiring as to when progress would be made on provincial policing and pension initiatives.

Finally, we asked if Premier Smith could commit to cutting down the size and cost of government in Alberta.

Adam Soos

Calgary-based Journalist



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