Rebel Roundup: Forced Labour Face Masks, COVID-19 Cancels Surgery

Welcome to Rebel Roundup, in which we look back at some of the very best commentaries of the week by your favourite Rebels.

I’m your host, David Menzies.

Hey, you know all that personal protective equipment we’re importing from China? Guess what: much of that PPE is substandard.

And even more appalling, a lot of it is being made by slave labour. Wait ‘til you hear what Sheila Gunn Reid has to say on this one.

And welcome to the new normal on the healthcare front. People on elective surgery lists are being kept out of hospitals for their own safety.

Just one hitch: people are dying thanks to being denied much-needed medial treatment. And Drea Humphrey will highlight one particular tragedy regarding a relatively young man who died for absolutely no good reason.

And finally: letters; we get your letters; we get your letters every minute of every day. I’ll share some of your responses regarding our video about the Afro Indigenous Rising collective. That’s the hodgepodge group of anarchists and drug addicts and mentally ill people who turned Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square into a no-go zone for three weeks.

Well, they’ve taken their show on the road and are now occupying Dufferin Grove Park as the Mayor shrugs and essentially says, “Hey, whatcha gonna do?”

Those are your Rebels, now let’s round ‘em up...


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