Regime journalist Richard Quest 'adores' the power of WEF

Quest, a CNN journalist, interviewed WEF founder Klaus Schwab on the rise of artificial intelligence. It was a more or less a fluff piece to prop up the elites.

Richard Quest, a British journalist and non-practicing barrister, is a regime journalist--not an accountability journalist. 

"You're part of the regime. Just admit it," said Rebel News CEO Ezra Levant, who confronted Quest in Davos. "I want to talk to the camera," he replied. 

The news anchor, who works for CNN International, previously interviewed Klaus Schwab, founder and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) on the rise of artificial intelligence. It was a more or less a fluff piece to prop up affluent globalists.

"Are you going to ask critical questions though? Because last time you said you did and they weren't really tough ones. They were softballs," Ezra said. "Define a 'tough question,'" asked Quest. "One that the person you're [interviewing] really doesn't want to answer."

Ezra compared the interview with Schwab to "patting a baby's bottom."

"What would you have asked him?" Quest asked. "I would have asked if this [WEF] is in fact a giant lobbying scheme for the rich to get richer. Politicians come [here and] there's no lobbyist disclosure, there's no checks and balances, there's no opposition, [and] there's no independent media," replied Ezra.

"I would have asked him if this is really as noble as he pretends, or is this just his way to become a billionaire."

When asked what inquiries Quest would pose to Schwab, if he were critical, the regime journalist did not immediately respond. Rather than formulate a decent question, he called Ezra "naive" to think the WEF founder "hasn't been asked 'all those questions' a million times."

"You choose the question that is relevant for the moment at which you're asking it," Quest said. "You adore power--you don't question it," Ezra replied.

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Rebel News is sending a team of six journalists and videographers to Davos, Switzerland to expose the global elites at this year's Annual General Meeting of the World Economic Forum. Our team is sharing a single economical Airbnb located an hour away from Davos, as every hotel room in the city is booked up by the elites. We're walking and taking the train to and from Davos daily to save money. Between economy class flights, the shared Airbnb, train tickets, meals, and a lot of coffee, this project will cost Rebel News more than $50,000. Please chip in to help us cover these costs so that we can bring you this exclusive reporting.


Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant ShowHe is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.


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  • Lida Kocis
    commented 2025-01-23 19:58:55 -0500
    Ezra, I enjoyed your conversation with the Fluffer: you’re right, credit to him, he wasn’t just running away…
  • Vara La Fey
    commented 2025-01-23 19:51:12 -0500
    “I would have asked if this [WEF] is in fact a giant lobbying scheme for the rich to get richer. Politicians come [here and] there’s no lobbyist disclosure, there’s no checks and balances, there’s no opposition, [and] there’s no independent media. I would have asked him if this is really as noble as he pretends, or is this just his way to become a billionaire.”

    Marxist vs marxist. Seriously, between the shadowy WEF platforming communist crap like “you’ll own nothing and be happy” and YOU reciting communist crap against corporations, the rich and billionaires, this is a case where I hope you and WEF find some way to mutually destroy each other.
    Quest rightly challenged you to state the questions you’d ask and even after years of covering this topic, you had almost nothing. Because you’re really just looking to stir up clicks.
    If you actually think they break laws, you should have called Quest out for not asking about the SPECIFIC law being broken. If you think they’re a government organization which needs checks and balances, then you should have challenged Quest about a SPECIFIC check or balance which he ought to know is missing and you should have called him out for avoiding that topic.
    But even as potentially evil as WEF is, it is privately funded. It’s a PRIVATE organization, sparky. It is NOT obligated to have opposition or independent media. It is NOT obligated to have checks and balances. It can refuse to bake cakes for gays anytime it wants to. You have NO right to regulate it or attend its meetings.
    You social conservative rich-hating anti-capitalist pro-marxist grifters aren’t the answer to leftism, you’re literally part of it.
  • James Hayes
    commented 2025-01-23 11:52:12 -0500
    Quest is bought and paid for.
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-22 19:28:42 -0500
    What a pompous jerk Quest is! Facts are facts. He works for a regime media outlet. Ezra has only us viewers to be responsible for. We don’t judge by people’s “views” but by what they do and say. And if Rebel News does something wrong, they’ll hear loud and clear from us.