Saskatchewan residents protest in solidarity with Freedom Convoy
As all eyes were on Ottawa this past weekend, while smaller, but equally passionate, protests took place all across Canada — with Saskatchewan being no exception.
Ottawa was all abuzz over this past weekend, especially on Saturday, January 29.
As always, Rebel News had boots on the ground, getting some fantastic coverage of the very peaceful and jubilant events in our nation’s capital.
While all of that was taking place, several protests and “mini-convoys” were occurring nation-wide! Whether in rural regions or cities, thousands of people gathered all over the country to share in the festivities and have their voices heard.
Saskatchewan was no exception!
Although I was unable to cover the protest, I was able to obtain some footage on the ground from people who attended.
I wanted to make sure that this footage was shared with other Canadians and the world, to show that while Saskatchewan may not be the most populated province, the people here know how to make some noise when it counts!
Convoys from all around made their way to Regina, with the convoy from Saskatoon bringing in hundreds of trucks.
There were also smaller protests held around the province at various towns (though footage in this report is solely from the Saskatoon and Regina regions).
Sit back and enjoy some Prairie freedom spirit, including beautiful First Nations drumming and a touching rendition of the national anthem.
Canadians standing together is a mighty inspiring thing.
Photo & Video Sources: Dale Epp, Nadine Ness, Keely & Brandon K.
Our dedicated Rebel News journalists have been working day and night to bring you the other side of the story, rather than the recycled negativity and smears the corporate press is pumping out. They’re talking to the real boots on the ground, and trying to make this story known worldwide. If you’d like to help them out with the costs of travel, lodging, and equipment, or if you’d like to follow along with our convoy coverage, please visit
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