Canadian military needs more people, launches recruitment campaign: Anand

Anand said that “[they] are in the middle of launching many new initiatives to attract and retain more people in the Canadian Armed Forces, [and] this is primarily a program of reconstitution led by the Chief of Defence Staff.” 

Even though many can argue that the reason there is a need for recruitment is the discriminatory COVID-19 policies, Anand did not even mention vaccine requirements while announcing this news.

In fact, while they were already in a crisis of personnel, 1,300 military applied for a vaccine exemption and only 140 were approved. 

The issue with the lack of employees in the Forces was noticed by Anand as early as March 2022. She said, to a CTV reporter, that “[they]’ve got to grow this thing, [and they’re] going to do everything [they] can with General [Wayne] Eyre and the broader defence team to make sure that happens.”

Then-deputy defence minister John Forster corroborated her claim by testifying that it was a challenge and that it will continue to be one. 

His statement shows to be true nowadays still, since the army, navy and air force seem to need around 7,000 recruits. 



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