The truth about global supply chains

In this report, I travel to Felixstowe, Britain's largest shipping container hub, to explain how we live in such an interconnected world. The legacy media's narrative is that the war in Ukraine, the sanctions against Russia and COVID-19 are all to blame for the supply chain crisis around the world, so I layout in this video what we already know.

Our political masters have been warning us of the impending supply crisis and even food shortages, with Joe Biden declaring that food shortages are “going to be real”, we also know that the sanctions against Russia were just returned in kind by the Russian President Vladimir Putin and now the West is in a fuel crisis.

Looking to the East we have China.

Currently, the Chinese Communist Party is turning Shanghai into what looks like a dystopian nightmare where residents are locked inside their homes, there is a scarcity of food, everyone is controlled by the social credit system and if you dare to sing on your balcony a drone will come out at yell at you in Chinese.

The Chinese have decided to pursue the zero-COVID approach which as we know from New Zealand is impossible.

It's no secret that absolutely everything is being affected by what's happening in the world today, two of the biggest questions is just how much of this is by design? and how much of this is just a coincidence that everything is wonderfully blending into a never-ending crisis.

If we really are on a path to building back better, then what on earth of better going to look like and who is it going to be better for?


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