WEF Reports: Tour of the Davos Strip

The World Economic Forum meeting in Davos is underway and Rebel News has been on the ground for the entire week exposing the elites and their plans for sustainable development and a digital future.

The Forum itself composes of the one per cent of society including billionaires, world leaders, technology giants and “iconic” entertainers. But not everyday, or in this case annually, do we hear much of Davos itself.

The entire town is reimagined the week before, with pop-up shops for vendors and companies setting up inside pre-existing structures. Rebel Reporter Avi Yemini showed us that earlier this week.

Join Lewis Brackpool on a walk through Davos mid-week to show you what it's like — hypocrisy, virtue signalling and a whole lot of CO2 emissions.

Rebel News has sent a team of six reporters to the WEF meetings to bring the world the other side of the story — the truth about the WEF, which you won't get from the mainstream media. To see our full coverage and to support their truly independent journalism, please visit www.WEFreports.com.

Kian Simone

Video Journalist

Kian “K2” Simone is a filmmaker with Rebel News. Kian is an enthusiastic ex-conformer, with video experience obtained in the music industry. He seeks to restore Canadian patriotism in the younger generations and create digestible content targeted towards younger audiences.



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