Why does Dan Andrews keep dodging media scrutiny?

Victorian Premier criticised for avoiding media interviews, leading to claims of dodging scrutiny and betraying open government.

Why does Dan Andrews keep dodging media scrutiny?
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A former anti-corruption boss has described Dan Andrews’ repeated failure to make himself available for media interviews as “scandalous”.

Retired IBAC Commissioner Robert Redlich said the Victorian Premier’s habit of avoiding interviews was a way of avoiding scrutiny.

Two of Melbourne’s biggest media personalities, the ABC’s Virginia Trioli and 3AW’s Neil Mitchell, have complained that Andrews will not talk to them.

Trioli said Andrews flat out “refuses” to be interviewed on her program, while Mitchell said it had been six years since he had last obtained an interview with Victoria’s leader.

Redlich said Andrews’ behaviour was “scandalous” and an afront to open government.

“A government that is willing to face questions and deal fairly and appropriately with concerns that members of the community have, should be seen to be cooperative,” he said.

“It’s critical that governments show an openness and a willingness to discuss failings.”

Andrews last spoke to prominent ABC host Trioli last October, just before the state election.

During that interview, held during widespread floods, Andrews insisted it was “not the time” to be asked about politics, but promised to return for another interview after the flood emergency passed.

On Friday, Trioli said that 10 months on from that non-interview, the Premier had been invited back a number of times and the answer was always ‘no’.

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  • By Avi Yemini

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