Activist challenges the WEF for backing companies that use child slave labour
Fernando Morales-de la Cruz, the child right's activist behind Cartoons for Change, tells The Ezra Levant Show how governments and major corporations at the World Economic Forum turn a blind eye to child slave labour practices around the world.
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After attending the World Economic Forum for the past several years, Rebel News has, believe it or not, made a few friends at the annual gathering of globalists. After all, not everyone is on board with the Davos agenda — and some, like Fernando Morales-de la Cruz, show up to raise awareness about important issues.
This year was no exception, as Fernando was once again walking the Davos promenade delivering a message about the pervasiveness of child slave labour, and how many countries and companies that participate in the WEF's events quietly support these terrible practices.
On Wednesday night's special recorded-in-Davos edition of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra shared a conversation he had when reuniting with Fernando at this year's WEF summit.
Major brands that participate in the globalist summit “all use child labour,” Fernando said. “I'm here complaining because 54 years the WEF has been saying they are improving the state of the world or having entrepreneurship for the common good, and unfortunately it is the opposite.”
“How many children are they going to harm before they stop,” he continued. “This has to stop immediately because not only is it cruel and illegal, the press is the problem.”
The media, he said, refuse to hold power to account. This, Fernando said, is why he's brought his Cartoons for Change to the annual gathering again.
“Of course, within the WEF there are a few people who are actually fighting inside — I'd rather not name them because they are very few,” Fernando told Ezra, “but they are the very few who say who say we have no business in slavery and child labour.”

Bruce Atchison commented 2025-01-23 19:47:29 -0500Let’s hope exposing these companies will turn public sentiment against them. Sure we need some products to stay alive but we can choose to make our coffee at home and patronize locally-owned restaurants.
John Landry commented 2025-01-23 19:09:58 -0500There are more slaves and child labourers today than in the times that many demand restitution for. Most activists complain of the past and ignore the present. You can fix today and tomorrow, but you can’t fix yesterday. Yet, that is what most activist do. God Bless Fernando Morales-de la Cruz.