Alberta elementary school cancels Christmas concert over inclusivity concerns

“By removing the extra concert practices and performances at Christmas, we can significantly reduce changes to students' routines during this already busy month,” said the school's principal, announcing the school's Winter Concert had been cancelled in favour of a more inclusive Spring Concert.

An elementary school in Alberta announced it was no longer holding its Christmas concert, citing concerns over inclusivity for the cancellation.

The principal of Pat Hardy Elementary School in Whitecourt, about two hours northwest of Edmonton, made the announcement in a message to students and parents, which was shared on social media by True North's Rachel Parker.

“We work hard to find ways to ensure our events are as inclusive to as many students and families as possible,” said principal Anne Martens.

The statement noted not all students celebrate Christmas in the same manner. A Christmas concert, she explained, involves significant preparation and practice, particularly in the days leading up to the event.

“As a result, students who are not participating are excluded from multiple music lessons and classroom practices for an extended period of time,” Martens said in the statement. 

Principal Marten's remarks also highlighted how the festive season adds stress to students, both at school and home. 

“By removing the extra concert practices and performances at Christmas, we can significantly reduce changes to students' routines during this already busy month,” she wrote.

Officials said in addition to issues of inclusivity, the school's music teacher is covering a Grade 4 class and will resume music instruction in the new year.

Cancelling the event, which was described as a “Winter Concert” despite a repeated focus on Christmas, will allow focus to be directed to a future concert, the school said.

“A Spring Concert allows us to host a special performance that includes all students,” the notice said. “There is far less going on in the springtime, which makes it easier for students to manage the additional practice time.”

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  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2024-12-02 19:05:33 -0500
    Inclusionists only exclude Christians and Jews. No wonder so many folks are looking at private or charter schools.