Announcing the winner of the 2024 Rebel News Viewers' Choice Award!

The results are in after thousands of Rebel News viewers submitted their choices.

We have a Christmas party here at Rebel News and we bring our staff together to our head office. We have some smoked meatthat's our tradition—and we sometimes have little party games, and every year we have something called The Rebbies.

That's the Rebel awards given to different people on our team for doing amazing things, and I actually get to make the decision of who wins what. But the most important Rebbie award is not decided by me, it's the Viewers' Choice Award.

And you voted for it. Now we had the vote in December, but I forgot to tell you the results! Here we are over halfway through January so let me tell you the results after thousands of you voted.

In sixth place, with 9% of the vote, Tamara Ugolini. In fifth place, with 11% of the vote, Alexa Lavoie. In fourth place, at 12% of the vote, you can see it's very close isn't it, Sheila Gunn Reid, our chief reporter. In third place, with 16%, that's a big number, Drea Humphrey from our BC team. 

In second place, with 19% of the vote, the thunder down under Avi Yemini, a one-man army in Melbourne, Australia. Which means in first place, you know who it is, with a whopping 32% of the vote, David 'The Menzoid' Menzies.

Well earned and good for David, he did a great job in 2024!

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Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant ShowHe is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.


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  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-20 19:36:11 -0500
    I still think Sheila Gunn Reid is the best Rebel with David Menzies coming a close second. I’m not a fan of Ezra Levant as he indulges his whims too much and he talks too much.