AstraZeneca claims the life of a South Australian woman
Premier Steven Marshall has confirmed the death of a South Australian woman on Monday from a rare blood clotting condition caused by the AstraZeneca vaccine.
The 72 year-old woman died overnight in the Royal Adelaide Hospital from thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS).
7 News reports that her first shot of AstraZeneca was administered on June 24. She was admitted to hospital on July 5 and spent several days in intensive care before tragically dying.
The rare condition has been linked to other cases around the world after people received the AstraZeneca vaccine, with the risk believed to be higher after the first dose.
“This is a very sad issue for South Australia,” said South Australian Premier Steven Marshall.
Australia’s official Covid health information site confirms TTS as a risk factor for the AstraZeneca vaccine.
“There has been a link established between the AstraZeneca vaccine and a very rare but serious side effect called thrombosis in combination with thrombocytopenia. There is a very low chance of this side effect, which may occur in around 4-6 people in every million after being vaccinated.”
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has been monitoring serious side effects from Covid vaccines.
As of June, the TGA states on its website that:
“Seven additional cases of blood clots with low blood platelets have been assessed as thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome (TTS) likely to be linked to the AstraZeneca vaccine. Sadly, in one of these cases the patient has died, and we extend our sincerest condolences to her family. This brings the total number of confirmed and probable TTS cases in Australia to 48. When assessed using the United Kingdom (UK) case definition, 35 cases were confirmed and 13 were deemed probable TTS.”
“To 6 June 2021, the TGA has received 272 reports of death following vaccination for COVID-19 vaccines.”
Roughly one in every 250,000 people given the AstraZeneca vaccine in Europe was later diagnosed with the rare blood clot condition.
The side effect has caused some countries to change the age restrictions and recommendations for AstraZeneca in favour of non-mRNA vaccines.

Alexandra Marshall
Australian Contributor
Alexandra Marshall is an Australian political opinion commentator. She is a contributor to Sky News, the Spectator Australia, Good Sauce, Penthouse Australia, and Caldron Pool with a special interest in liberty and Asian politics. Prior to writing, she spent a decade as an AI architect in the retail software industry designing payroll and rostering systems.