Our elites care more about the carbon emissions from church arsons than the actual fires

Adam Soos joined David Menzies on Rebel Roundup to discuss the recent spate of church arsons across Canada, including at House of Prayer Alliance Church in southeast Calgary, which was set ablaze on the evening of Sunday, July 4.

The church building was home to four church congregations, including Filipino and Vietnamese worship communities. "Many Vietnamese Christians fled communist oppression in their motherland and sought religious freedom and tolerance in Canada," Adam reported. "They have instead been met with further persecution. The destruction and vandalism of churches is not justice or retribution for the crimes of the past, rather they will create new wounds that will once again take generations to heal."

Adam and David also discussed the media and political bias against Christians that has resulted in a relative lack of media coverage. "We have a liberal political class that is likely more concerned about the carbon emissions from these fires than these places of worship being absolutely razed to the ground," Adam said. 

This is only a clip of Friday's episode of Rebel Roundup, a weekly show where David Menzies speaks directly with Rebel reporters about the biggest stories of the week. To watch the full episode, become a subscriber to RebelNews+.

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