California school board passed a resolution banning critical race theory instruction

An Orange County, California school board passed a resolution on Tuesday banning the instruction of critical race theory in the district’s public schools.

The board of Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District approved a resolution by a 3-2 vote prohibiting district classrooms from using critical race theory as a framework for any discussion on race in the classroom.

“The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District desires to uplift and unite students by not imposing the responsibility of historical transgressions in the past and instead will engage students of all cultures in age-appropriate critical thinking that helps students navigate the past, present, and future," the resolution stated, Washington Examiner reported.

In addition, the resolution reiterated the district’s support for “efforts in education to promote equity, respect, diversity; celebrate the contributions of all; and encourage culturally relevant and inclusive teaching practices,” however, the district “will not allow the use of critical race theory as a framework to guide such efforts.”

In other words, the district is calling for a return to common sense without the instruction of woke ideology.

One of the board members, Leandra Blades defended the resolution as a necessary step to remove politics from the classroom. She said that parents who want their children to learn about critical race theory can do so by teaching their kids at home.

“I don’t want my politics, I don’t want your politics, I don’t want anybody’s politics in [classrooms],” said Blades, who supported the ban. “I do believe in teaching kids to think critically. But there are so many classes... there are so many things you could teach your kids at home. If you really are passionate about these subjects, then teach them.”

The resolution faced opposition from the board president, Carrie Buck, who insisted that teachers and students were largely against it.

“This is the first time in the 12 years I’ve been here that I’ve had 105 students send me an email or call me or send me messages saying, ‘Don’t do this,’” said Buck.

Another member of the board, Karin Freeman, who voted against the ban, said the resolution was at best an abridgment of free speech, and at worst, censorship.

“This change creates obstacles and impediments for students’ success,” Freeman said. “If students aren’t able to have access to rigorous coursework, the impact will be real.”

It is unclear how critical race theory would have informed students on becoming successful in the workplace once they graduate.

Despite claims by the Los Angeles Times that there is no evidence that critical race theory was ever taught in the classroom, the opposition to prohibiting its instruction has become a rallying cry for members of the press and activists alike who continue to insist that it is not being taught.

Ian Miles Cheong


Ian Miles Cheong is a freelance writer, graphic designer, journalist and videographer. He’s kind of a big deal on Twitter.


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