CBC can't refute parents' charges that today's sex ed is too extreme — because it is

On Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra discussed a recent article in the CBC that alleged that dozens of school board candidates across Ontario are "running on promises to roll back protections for transgender students." 

"Is that really what they're saying?" Ezra asked. "Do they want to undo protections for anybody?" 

"That is all the projection of the fevered minds of the CBC. This is called CBC Investigates, it's more like CBC Emotes. These are their own emotions."

While the CBC doesn't include actual examples of transphobic rhetoric by these school board candidates, it's worth noting that they also don't refute parents' charges that today's sex ed curricula are too extreme. Because they are — watch the full monologue for more. 

This is only an excerpt of Friday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show. To watch the full episode, become a subscriber to RebelNews+.

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