Edmonton March for Life held outside Alberta legislature as media largely absent and counter-protesters rage

The March for Life Edmonton event went forth without coverage from the mainstream media as counter-protesters attempted to provoke the pro-life supporters.

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On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we were joined by Rebel News reporter Adam Soos who discussed the Conservative Party of Canada leadership debate in Edmonton, and looked deeper into the annual March for Life event taking place in the same city.

As the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on Roe v. Wade has caused an outcry from pro-abortion activists not only in the United States but Canada as well, the March for Life Edmonton event saw passionate counter-protesters attempt to agitate the pro-life supporters. While not quite as crowded as last year's event, the gathering was filled with proud pro-life supporters making their voices heard.

As reported in the Edmonton Journal

"Rev. Dean Dowle, pastor at the Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton, encouraged attendees to push provincial politicians for legal change.

'Please call or email your local MLA to register your support for legislation that protects children as our future citizens and honours the frail and elderly with the health care they have earned,' said Dowle, while counter-protesters yelled 'my body my choice' nearby."

This is just an excerpt from the full Ezra Levant Show. To watch the whole thing, become a premium subscriber to RebelNews+.

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