Stop the Pride Bullies!

David Menzies and Lincoln Jay are on the ground in Emo Township, Ontario, covering a story that has been generating headlines around the world for all the wrong reasons. This little township, with a population of about 1,300, was recently ordered by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal to recognize Pride Month and to raise a Pride flag — even though the township does not have a flagpole!

Sign the petition to demand the Emo Township Council stand up to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal!

1,558 signatures
Goal: 10,000 signatures

We, the undersigned, respectfully call on the Emo Township Council to stand up for its local community and push back against the heavy-handed demands forced upon it by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. We urge the Emo Township Council to refuse these unreasonable dictates and instead demand a more sensible, good-faith solution — one that upholds respectful dialogue and acknowledges the township’s practical limitations. Let’s show that small communities deserve a voice, not a costly ultimatum.

Will you sign?

The township has already been fined $10,000, and Mayor Harold McQuaker has personally had $5,000 taken out of his own bank account.

Emo Township is extremely remote — closer to an airstrip in Minnesota than any airstrip in Ontario — and due to a lack of accommodations, David and Lincoln had to sleep in an SUV last night. Operating on a very tight budget, Rebel News asks anyone who can to chip in to help cover David and Lincoln's travel expenses, so that this important story can be covered thoroughly.

Please chip in to help recoup the cost to send David Menzies and Lincoln Jay to the remote town of Emo, Ontario!

Emo Township is extremely remote — closer to an airstrip in Minnesota than any airstrip in Ontario — and due to a lack of accommodations, David and Lincoln had to sleep in an SUV last night. Operating on a very tight budget, Rebel News asks anyone who can to chip in to help cover David and Lincoln's travel expenses, so that this important story can be covered thoroughly.


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  • Linda Hall
    commented 2024-12-16 19:34:02 -0500
    The only flag that needs to be flown to show inclusivity is the Canadian flag. It encompasses Canadians from all walks of life, no matter their sexual preference, skin colour, political view, gender, age, or disability. We are all equal under the maple leaf.
  • Friend
    followed this page 2024-12-16 18:59:48 -0500
  • Gina Bisaillon
    commented 2024-12-16 18:31:57 -0500
    I would like to know where I can send money to help reimburse the mayor for the theft from his account. I used to live in a town of that size and that kind of money is out of all proportion. So is the $10,000 fine for the time itself. This is outrageous beyond belief.
  • Chris Carmody
    commented 2024-12-14 10:56:32 -0500
    The public school in emo flies a pride flag in June, why isn’t that enough for them
  • Duane MacKay
    commented 2024-12-14 04:14:52 -0500
    Activists have a distinct lack of humor. Since the town does not have a flag pole, I suggest that one be installed. At an appropriate location, a flag pole of a height of 2 feet be erected for the pride flag. Another flag pole for the Canadian flag be set close by with a height of 2 and a half feet, as the Canadian flag must be on a taller pole. Then, another 30 or so flag poles with a height of 2 feet surrounding them with any other flags that people feel appropriate.

    If you can’t beat em, join em.
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2024-12-13 19:39:50 -0500
    Borderland Pride must be shamed into seeing what bullies they are.