Pro-life activist and hockey dad Jack Fonseca's family denied religious COVID jab exemption in Kitchener
In this interview Jack Fonseca, project manager and high profile pro-life activist at Campaign Life Coalition and I discuss the indiscriminate vaccine mandates being imposed on children and their families trying to engage in youth sports.
As evidenced by his career and speaking engagements, it is with firmly held religious and ethical convictions that Jack refuses to partake in this (or any) injection that utilizes and/or profits from the harvesting of aborted babies.
He and his two sons were thrilled to further hone in on their stick handling, until vaccine mandates came into effect for the Kitchener Minor Hockey Association (KMHA). On their website the KMHA specifies that their Return to Hockey Program is approved by the umbrella league, Alliance Hockey.
When Jack reached out to the contact at Alliance Hockey, he was told that religious exemptions do not exist. Alliance Hockey used the word salad from the Ontario Human Rights Commission as justification for this decision.
This comes despite the Alliance Hockey’s Return To Hockey V3 framework that clearly states it “reserves the right... to make appropriate inquiries to verify the authenticity of a creed/religion-based claim.” I wondered: how did Alliance Hockey determine that Jack and his son were ineligible for such a claim?
When I reached out to the relevant contacts for clarification, no one at Alliance Hockey could attest to, confirm nor deny, the rationale behind this arbitrary decision.