RCMP officer flees from questions, tries to get OPP to arrest David Menzies!
RCMP officer Greg Dumouchel was involved in the 2023 arrest of Rebel News reporter David Menzies as he attempted to ask then-deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland a question.
A year ago, Royal Canadian Mounted Henchman Greg Dumouchel really passed himself off as such a tough guy. Do you recall how he physically assaulted and falsely arrested me at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts in Richmond Hill, Ont.?
My crime? Asking (now-former) deputy prime minister Chrystia Freeland tough questions about why the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp had yet to be deemed a terrorist group. In 2020, the IRGC shot down Ukrainian Airlines PS752 over Tehran. All 176 onboard — plus one unborn child — were massacred; this included 55 Canadian citizens and 30 permanent residents of Canada.
Dumouchel purposely walked into me — and then falsely claimed I had assaulted him! Don’t take my word for it; kindly check out the video evidence.
He then falsely arrested me for assault (later dropping his own outrageous charges). Videos of his thuggery went viral.
But get this: precisely one year later, we were shocked to discover that Dumouchel is still on active duty! Shouldn’t this guy — who obviously has anger issues — at the very least be confined to a desk job?
But no. Incredibly, he’s still on the force as though nothing happened, and was even back at the very same vigil (albeit one marking the fifth anniversary of the IRGC’s grotesque act of mass-murder).
We almost missed him, but just as we were leaving the venue, ace cameraman Lincoln Jay spotted Dumouchel piloting a Chevrolet Suburban down Yonge Street. We immediately followed, and apparently Dumouchel noticed we were tailing him.
What transpired next was downright surreal: Dumouchel hopped on the 407ETR toll highway, first driving east to Bayview Avenue, only to exit and drive westbound to Bathurst Street (your tax dollars hard at work yet again, folks).
Heading south on Bathurst, he veered into an Ontario Provincial Police detachment. When he ran out of driveway, we jumped out to scrum Dumouchel. We wanted to know why he assaulted me last year. Was he acting on his own volition or was he taking orders from then-deputy PM Freeland? Why did he falsely arrest me — only to drop the charges within an hour? And how the hell is this loose cannon still on active duty?
So many questions, but zero answers were provided.
Not only did Dumouchel remain entombed within the Suburban, but he would not even lower the driver’s side window to engage in conversation. It’s true what they say about bullies, isn’t it? Deep down, they are really spineless cowards…
And disturbingly, Dumouchel continues to lie through his teeth. He told the OPP officers that I had “blown through a red light.” Really? Too bad for him he didn’t notice that my vehicle is equipped with a dashcam. And video evidence, unlike the RCMP’s version of Uncle Fester, does not lie.
After briefly detaining myself and Lincoln Jay, the OPP decided no charges would be filed. Dumouchel — who used the time to flee — loses yet again.
But why would the RCMP employ this lying liar in the first place? This loser is everything a law enforcement officer should NOT be. While we back the blue, we loath bad apples. And Dumouchel is rotten to the core.

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.

Tom Mcilravey commented 2025-01-14 19:25:07 -0500The real question is, Why do police feel they are not accountable to the public? Is it there police associations becoming so strong that the administrations fear them?
Owen Price commented 2025-01-14 08:33:38 -0500David…. You are a great and funny journalist, keep it up very enjoyable. These cops need to be kept in check……. As you say, in every bully there is a coward….
Owen Price followed this page 2025-01-14 08:31:21 -0500
Jamie Perritt commented 2025-01-14 00:38:09 -0500Lol. David, you’re my favourite. We get comedy with our news when we watch your videos! Lol. Awesome how u chased that cop down and then had the nerve to ask him why he’s still on duty. LMAO
But I do agree that RCMP guy should be fired , especially now that he completely lied regarding the red light. -
Tom Mcilravey commented 2025-01-13 18:09:59 -0500You are right Bruce. Police now follow the Politicians. We found the out in Ontario with Mike Harris and the Ipperwash disaster. Lets get rid of both Trudeau and Jughead.
Bruce Atchison commented 2025-01-13 17:45:40 -0500True policing in Canada is dead. Let’s hope Pierre Poilievre can resurrect it. It’s time Canada had a real leader, not a loss leader. And we need an election immediately or sooner. Trudeau, like the Devil, knows his time is short. So he’ll doll out as much money as he can to his cronies and give them patronage appointments.
Tom Mcilravey commented 2025-01-13 17:38:36 -0500What has happened to hiring people like Dumouchel with a once proud RCMP. He should be dishonorably discharged, immediately.
Wade Collinge commented 2025-01-12 17:06:31 -0500Jerald I can’t understand why there are all these people out there, Journalists, policemen, politicians, judges, etc. etc. who have sold their soul to Justin Trudeau. If all this ever gets turned around, those folks should pay a very heavy price. Once you sell your soul, it can’t be bought back. You can’t unring a bell. Just like Zukerberg, for those who would believe this guy ever again, they should never forget he sold his integrity for money, and will do it again. That is what greed does to folks
Wade Collinge commented 2025-01-12 17:00:52 -0500I mean REBELS
Wade Collinge commented 2025-01-12 17:00:06 -0500SM that is exactly what I saw. The REBALS ROCK
Jerald Purvis commented 2025-01-12 16:04:39 -0500Why hasn’t this goon been severely reprimanded? Sounds like the RCMP has been repurposed into Trudeau’s leg breakers.
S M commented 2025-01-12 15:06:59 -0500Let’s get this right here; he fled being interviewed, then drove into a police station, then made a false statement to an O.P.P. Officer to impose harm on another through a lie, am I on the right track, he lies to harm others because of his lack of integrity and morales and uses his position as an RCMP officer to do it.
Wade Collinge commented 2025-01-12 13:09:21 -0500Mr Menzies and Licoln Jay—-that journalism about Uncle Fester was absolutely priceless. When you get those folks to court please hit them with both barrels, which I am sure you will. Good eagle eye, Lincoln Jay!!!!