Rebel News uncovers thousands of docs on veterans being offered assisted suicide
Although Veterans Affairs minister Lawrence MacAulay testified the suggestions that veterans in distress should use the government euthanasia program were isolated to one lone case worker, the sheer volume of internal communications may suggest otherwise.
Access filings into the Veterans Affairs Ministry, crowdfunded by the public at, have returned 2200 pages of internal communications.
According to MacAulay, the unnamed angel of death caseworker working within his ministry was suspended, but it's never been revealed how many deaths that person was responsible for.
And despite numerous veterans coming forward to say that they had been counselled to commit suicide by multiple different caseworkers in multiple veterans affairs offices across the country, MacAulay has denied that so-called medical assistance in dying (MAID) was a ministry practice used to deal with complex, desperate veterans denied the care they need by the government they promised to serve in exchange for that same care.
Rebel News field for access to information after the scandal first broke in 2022 and after veteran Mark Meinke testified before the Veterans Committee at the House of Commons about his knowledge of several veterans being told to die by VAC caseworkers.
The filing compelled the government to "provide copies of all documents, including internal communications, media lines, reports, briefing notes, call scripts, directives, and policy notes regarding reports regarding discussions with veterans seeking assistance about medical assistance and suicide since January 1st, 2022."
A preliminary examination of the documents shows evidence of government bureaucrats trying to cover their tracks or keep things from becoming official paper records.
The story is still developing as research into the records is ongoing.
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