Rebel Roundup: Sheila Gunn Reid and Keean Bexte

Keean Bexte travelled into northern B.C. to get the goods on the Coastal GasLink pipeline. And he’ll offer his insight regarding how people there really feel about this project.

Hey now! The Freak Show is back in town. Yes, of course I’m speaking about Jonathan a.k.a. Jessica Yaniv, the "trans activist" who dines out on gaming the system. It was back in a B.C. court the other day and – incredibly – it seems as though there is a deal afoot that will allow him to pretty much skate on those charges regarding his illegal weaponry. Sheila Gunn Reid has the latest.

And finally: letters; we get your letters; we get your letters every minute of every day. I’ll share some of your responses regarding my coverage of that rail blockade near Belleville, Ontario, that was finally dismantled by the authorities after almost three weeks. And no, I still don’t understand what took them so long…


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