Residents pass barbed wire fence, hold “swim-in” protest to reclaim Harold Quarry
As previously reported by Rebel News, for almost a century, a swimming hole located north of Stirling-Rawdon, Ont., served as a summertime oasis for residents.
But recently, the quarry that houses the water hole was walled-off with a barbed wire fence. The parking area has also been secured with a steel gate, so that no cars can park here, either. Total cost to the taxpayer: more than $48,000!
Apparently, Stirling-Rawdon’s insurance company warned of serious liability issues if someone were to be hurt while using the quarry (even though this natural pool has been joyfully used since the 1930s).
Of note, it remains unclear if the insurance company was fretting over water safety, falling safety, or COVID safety. Maybe it’s all of the above?
But residents are fighting back with “swim-in” protests, and the latest one took place last Saturday (which was a perfect summertime day for a swim, thankfully).
The barbed wire fence was easily defeated, thanks to a couple of ladders. Of note: there is a rumour that the township might make the barbed wire fence higher! The protesters don’t care about that — they have access to taller ladders, after all.
Members of the Ontario Provincial Police dropped by the swimming hole during previous swim-in protests. But the OPP officers were no-shows on Saturday. And the swim-in protesters were actually disappointed by that. Many expressed a desire to be charged so they could fight the fence mandate in court, given that many believe the township is on shaky legal grounds in terms of closing off the water hole.
In any event, the protesters actually had a jolly good time swimming in a natural swimming pool. No one drowned. No one fell to their death. No one (we presume) caught COVID-19 or any other virus. Fancy that!

David Menzies
Mission Specialist
David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.
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