VINDICATED: An Edmonton judge condemns the NDP thug who punched our reporter Sheila Gunn Reid
(UPDATE: May 10, 2018) Justice is served!
We got him. We finally got him. Dion Bews.
That NDP thug who hit our reporter Sheila Gunn Reid in the face at the women’s march last year.
A judge finally condemned him — and ripped his excuses to ribbons.
Bews had already been convicted in a criminal court. But Sheila wasn’t given the right to speak, and the judge in that court never even saw the shocking video of Bews swearing at Sheila, threatening to punch her, and then punching her — and then scurrying away.
Finally, we got some justice.
Bews will pay Sheila $1,000 in damages, and $2,500 in punitive damages. That’s pretty standard for punching someone in the face. But this was never about the money.
It's about taking a stand against violence from Canada’s alt-left.
And about defending one of Canada’s best journalists from thugs who would violently censor her.
We had a great lawyer who was very conscientious, and kept his fees reasonable. But we still spent $36,000 on the lawsuit. If you want to help us cover that legal bill, I’d be grateful — please click here to donate now.
(UPDATE: January 24, 2017) According to an Edmonton Police Services press release, Jason Dion Bews, 34, has been charged with assault and utter threats.
UPDATE: WE CAUGHT HIM! Dion Bews of Edmonton, please turn yourself into the nearest police department, and prepare for a massive civil lawsuit.
BOUNTY: We received several tips, and are checking to see which one came in first. You will be contacted to receive your $1,000 bounty!
Yesterday our Alberta bureau chief, Sheila Gunn Reid, was hit in the face by an NDP thug, right on the steps of the Alberta Legislature. Here's Sheila's report:
Sheila had gone there to report on a left-wing “Women’s March.” It was basically an NDP rally against Donald Trump. So: the usual professional protesters from the left.
Of course, the event was dominated by NDP men. One of them saw Sheila, and recognized her from The Rebel.
He started arguing with her; then swearing at her; then he said he’d hit her — and then he did.
All while Sheila’s camera was rolling. Here is the full unedited video:
Even more incredibly, the NDP women standing right there, who saw the whole thing, immediately blocked Sheila, and helped the thug scurry away. They sided with the male criminal, against the female victim.
So much for women’s rights. The NDP doesn’t even believe women should have the benefit of the Criminal Code, if they’re conservative.
Even more incredible, a photographer from the Canadian Press named Jason Franson was right there, taking pictures the whole time. But he didn’t publish any of those pictures; he didn’t support his fellow journalist. He actually pushed Sheila, too — and verbally disparaged her.
Violence against women; blaming the victim; helping the criminal get away — all at an NDP “Women’s March”.
Obviously, Sheila went straight to the police, who are investigating. But the criminal is still on the loose.
I need your help to find this NDP thug, and bring him to justice.
I will pay $1,000 to the first person who gives us information leading to the arrest of this violent NDP pig. Ask your friends, send his picture around, go through Facebook pages.
And send me all the info, at [email protected]. First one to catch him gets $1,000.
(Please do not take the law into your own hands, however tempting. Leave the illegal violence to the NDP street thugs — that’s not how we behave.)
I thought Alberta was safe for journalists. But not under Rachel Notley’s NDP.
Remember, Notley herself set the tone last year, by sending an armed sheriff to block Sheila from the Legislature. And she ordered the NDP’s Justice Department to send Sheila a letter, banning her from all government premises.
Yesterday, one of Notley’s thugs simply followed the message from the top: silence Sheila at any cost.
And I’m here to say:
No. We’re going to find you, you violent thug, and you’re going to jail.
Yours truly,
Ezra Levant
P.S. There is no way I’m letting Notley’s thugs intimidate Sheila. So from now on, I’m sending her to public events with a professional security guard.
Those cost up to $40/hour, including travel time. But we’re simply not going to let Notley’s street gangs stop us. If you can help, please chip in to a special security fund to keep Sheila safe. You can do that, too, by CLICKING HERE.
Thank you.

Ezra Levant
Rebel Commander
Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant Show. He is the author of multiple best-selling books, including Ethical Oil, The Libranos, China Virus, and most recently, Trudeau's Secret Plan.