Toronto Star snubs Rebel News & Democracy Fund’s role in Amish legal fight

Rebel News and the Democracy Fund have been working for weeks to expose the Amish COVID fine scandal, yet the Toronto Star's scoop conveniently ignores their crucial role in the story.

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On Friday's Rebel Roundup livestream, hosts David Menzies and Tamara Ugolini slammed the Toronto Star for failing to mention Rebel News and the Democracy Fund’s extensive coverage of an Ontario Amish community’s legal battle over COVID fines.

"The lefties at the Toronto Star wholly ambush," Menzies said, criticizing the newspaper for presenting the story as a scoop while ignoring the fact that Rebel News had been crowdfunding the Amish legal defense for weeks.

The Toronto Star article covered how the Amish, who avoid technology, were hit with $6,000 fines per person for not using the government’s ArriveCan app when crossing the border. Menzies highlighted how the Star failed to credit Democracy Fund lawyer Mark Joseph, who had been central to the case. "They don't give his title because Lord forbid, they don't want to give any credit to the Democracy Fund, and, or Rebel News," Menzies stated.

Tamara Ugolini, who has followed the case closely, shared her frustration with the media's neglect of the issue. "This is shameful. Even though the mainstream media wasn’t interested, we are, as is our arm's length charitable foundation, the Democracy Fund," she said, emphasizing the importance of holding the government accountable.

New episodes of the Rebel Roundup livestream air every Monday and Friday at 1 p.m. ET / 11 a.m. MT.

Help fund our Amish Reports

Justin Trudeau's persecution of the Amish is such an insane story, you'd think every journalist in the country would cover it. But they won't. Rebel News broke this story, and we’re covering it in great detail. Every single court date, every single hearing, we’ll be there. It’s our duty — because the Amish can’t speak for themselves, we have to be their voice for them. If you think this is an important story that needs to be told, please help Rebel News cover the cost of sending a journalist and a cameraman to the courts every time this case moves forward, and to help these people tell their story to the world. (Thanks!)


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Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2024-12-02 19:20:11 -0500
    How typical. The Toronto Star copies and pilfers stories and then leaves out important details. No wonder print newspapers are going bankrupt. The only good they’re used for is the rabbit’s litter box.