Trudeau spent $370,000 on food, $3,200 on booze during 6 government Airbus trips in 2019

Justin Trudeau spent $370,000 on food and catering and another $3,200 on booze on just 6 trips in the government Airbus in 2019.

Today's unbelievable story of government waste comes to us via order paper question asked by Conservative MP Scot Davidson.

He asked:

With regard to the consumption of alcohol and food on flights taken on government-owned Airbus and Challenger aircraft since January 1, 2019: (a) on which flights was alcohol consumed; and (b) for each flight where alcohol was consumed, (i) what is the value of the alcohol consumed, (ii) what was the origin and destination of the flight, (iii) what was the flight date (iv) what is the breakdown of alcoholic beverages consumed by specific beverage and quantity (v) what is the cost of food consumed on each flight?

The response is a Mardi Gras up in the clouds.

Trudeau's entourage put away:

  • 17 bottles of wine and 10 cans of beer on a flight to Paris.
  • 43 bottles of wine and 35 cans of beer on a flight to London.
  • 19 bottles of wine and 21 cans of beer on a flight to Washington.
  • A trip to Japan saw Trudeau and the team put away 57 bottles of wine and 35 cans of beer.
  • The flight to the G7 in France involved 34 bottles of wine and 32 cans of beer.
  • A subsequent trip to London required 33 bottles of wine and 24 beers.

The grand total: 203 bottles of wine and 157 beer for just 6 trips, totaling nearly $3,200 in liquor.

The food bills for the flights were even worse:

The food cost for Trudeau's six trips in the Airbus totaled $367,108.82.

Last year, we published a similar investigation covering Trudeau's in-flight food and liquor costs from 2018.

To put this into context for you: The average Canadian family of four will spend $12,157 next year on groceries.

On a two hour flight to Washington, Team Trudeau spends more on his wining and dining than 3 Canadian families spend in a whole year on groceries.

The food on Trudeau's six trips totaled more than the annual grocery bills for 30 Canadian families.

Sheila Gunn Reid

Chief Reporter

Sheila Gunn Reid is the Alberta Bureau Chief for Rebel News and host of the weekly The Gunn Show with Sheila Gunn Reid. She's a mother of three, conservative activist, and the author of best-selling books including Stop Notley.


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