“Unsafe” for BIPOC, LGBTQ2IA+? Ryerson School of Journalism Goes Woke

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we looked at an article from The Ryersonian, which is the official in-house news publication of the Ryerson School of Journalism.

Here's a bit of what Ezra had to say about the article's thesis that the school has “a lot of work” to do:

“Unsafe? They don’t mean like open manhole covers or asbestos or no fire alarm system. They mean words and feelings.

“The school of journalism is not yet a “safe place” for paper-thin-skinned political pouters who think and talk of nothing else other than grievances and race and gender and just being quarrelsome orcs.”

We’re hiring here at Rebel News, looking for a few journalists. We wouldn’t discriminate against someone who went to journalism school, but we might check to make sure they're not brainwashed from it.

This is just an excerpt from the full Ezra Levant Show.

To watch the whole thing, become a premium subscriber to RebelNews+.

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