WATCH LIVE: We’re suing Trudeau in Federal Court today

We are in the Federal Court of Canada today, suing Justin Trudeau’s hand-picked debates commission.

That’s because a few days ago, Trudeau banned our Rebel News reporters from attending this week’s leaders debates. It’s an outrageous act of censorship and it’s illegal too — not that Trudeau has a problem with either of those things.

Our lawyer Chad Williamson made an urgent application to the court, and they agreed to hear this case on an emergency basis. The three-hour trial will happen today at 2 p.m. ET, noon MT.

Chad made a special request of the court: that due to the extraordinary public interest in this case the whole trial be televised on Zoom. The court agreed, and you can log in and watch for yourself. We’ve put the the easy-to-follow instructions on our website, — just click here.

At that same website you’ll also find our legal case — all of the documents Chad filed with the court. So those can help you follow along during the trial.

I really recommend you read through the material — you’ll see how corrupt and biased Trudeau’s censorship scheme really is.

But today’s hearing is no sure thing. Trudeau has hired SEVEN lawyers, all on taxpayers’ expense, to block us. We’ve uploaded their court documents to the same website too, so you can see Trudeau’s arguments. You can see why Trudeau said he admires China for its “basic dictatorship”. He really wants to be able to control was journalists say.

So it’s Trudeau's seven lawyers against our one lawyer. But we’ve got freedom on our side.

How do you think that will go?

I’m nervous, to be honest. Trudeau tried the same thing during the 2019 election — banning us at the last minute. We went to the Federal Court then too, and we won. They issued an emergency injunction, ordering Trudeau to let our reporters in. It was an amazing victory for freedom of the press.

But Trudeau has spent the last two years scheming new ways to keep us out. I think our chances are 50-50.

Please click here to get the link to watch the trial on Zoom. It is very rare that a Canadian trial is televised — this is a very special occasion. And it’s very ominous — if we lose the case today, Trudeau will surely become emboldened, and pass more laws banning independent media.

Trudeau has accredited every left-wing reporter in Canada and even foreign reporters, from as far away as Germany and Vietnam’s state broadcaster. But he refuses to accredit our reporters, because he hates the questions we answer. That’s censorship, and we need to fight back.

Have you heard about any of this from the Media Party? From any reporter who takes bail-out money from Trudeau? How about the Canadian Association of Journalists or some other industry group? I haven’t heard a word — they’re all bought off by Trudeau’s bail-out money. They don’t like the fact that we’re don’t take Trudeau’s money like they do — it shames them. They’re glad we’re censored.

We’re completely alone in court today. But if you're on our side, we’ve got a chance. If you think this is as important as I do, please click here to help us crowdfund our legal fees. We're up against seven Trudeau lawyers, paid from taxpayer money.

Thanks for your support. And don’t forget to tune in at 2 p.m. ET, noon MT!

Trudeau’s hand-picked debate commission banned Rebel News from being at the leaders debate (again!), but our lawyers worked non-stop and we’re ready — and tomorrow the court will hear the case! 

Please take a moment to read our lawsuit materials — they’re all here:

Our 17-page application to the court

Our 19-page notice of a constitutional challenge

Ezra's 460-page affidavit

Our 25-page memorandum of fact and law

You can also read the government's materials here:

Compendium of the Respondent

Volume I - Respondent's Motion Record

Volume II - Respondent's Motion Record

Volume III - Respondent's Motion Record

Volume IV - Respondent's Motion Record

Volume V - Respondent's Motion Record

Ezra Levant

Rebel Commander

Ezra Levant is the founder and owner of Rebel News and the host of The Ezra Levant Show. He is the author of multiple best-selling books including Ethical Oil and most recently, China Virus.


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