A glimpse into Rebel’s MAID documentary tour at the Aylmer, Ontario stop
Church of God pastor Henry Hildebrandt, True North’s Andrew Lawton, and more shared their thoughts on ‘MAID: The Dark Side of Canadian Compassion’ following the film screening.
We were recently in Aylmer, Ontario for the screening of Rebel’s latest documentary, MAID: The Dark Side of Canadian Compassion. This film delves into the absolute evil that has overtaken the overburdened Canadian healthcare system, which has given doctors the legal ability to end the lives of the patients that they’re supposed to be helping through the Medical Assistance in Dying program.
It exposes the culture of death and indifference in Canada that has allowed this to be normalized, and the government’s promotion of MAID to throw away the lives of the vulnerable for the sake of convenience.
Trailer for my upcoming documentary with @SheilaGunnReid called MAID: The Dark Side of Canadian Compassion.
— Kian Simone (@kiansimone44) April 25, 2024
Tickets to the tour at https://t.co/agQVYmGMNr pic.twitter.com/Qe0ZhqVKrB
The Alymer screening was held at the Church of God which was persecuted relentlessly by the Canadian government during the COVID era for refusing to stop practicing their faith to appease health mandates. Many congregation members were present last night, including pastor Henry Hildebrandt. However, the room was packed with people from a variety of backgrounds, some of whom drove as far as two hours to see the film.
If you haven't seen the latest documentary on MAID (euthanasia) by @kiansimone44 @SheilaGunnReid @RebelNewsOnline make sure you don't miss it. It was truly sobering and eye-opening as we watched it tonight. Thank you to @AndrewLawton for sharing your story courageously. pic.twitter.com/WiyGXGdNoS
— Pastor Henry Hildebrandt (@aylmerpastor) June 7, 2024
True North’s Andrew Lawton made an appearance in the documentary in which he told his very raw and personal perspective on MAID. He took part in the Q&A session following the screening alongside project mastermind Kian Simone, and the star of the show, Sheila Gunn Reid.
After the film, we spoke with some of the viewers and filmmakers to hear their thoughts on the documentary and to find out how Canadians can fight back against this darkness.
To watch MAID: The Dark Side of Canadian Compassion online, visit MAIDDocumentary.com to rent the film. You can also get access to this one and many more by becoming a RebelNews+ member. Host your own MAID screening so that you can help get the word out, and wake Canada up to what’s happening by visiting that same special website.
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