As the pandemic ends in Canada, what's next for Rebel News?
As provinces across Canada begin to, finally, after many long months, reopen fully, the question arises: what's next for Rebel News? We've been bringing you the other side of the story since we first heard reports of a strange virus making its way through Wuhan, China. Even though things aren't back to normal yet in the country's most populous province, other regions are winding down their measures, and an announcement is expected soon in Ontario.
We've told the story of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's ties to China, we've fought heavy-handed fines, we've reported on the ground from protests against restrictions on civil liberties from across the country.
So where do things go next?
On yesterday's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, this was a question that Rebel boss Ezra Levant tried to answer.
One story that is going to be prominent in the coming months is the pending federal election. Following that, assuming the Liberals win there's almost certainly going to be another push to pass censorship bills like bills C-10 and C-36.
Another book from Ezra Levant is likely on the horizon, too.
So what else is in the works for Rebel News? Well, as Ezra said:
We're going to keep the national law firm. We're going to keep our great team. They'll still talk about the lockdown — where it exists — but they're going to cover so many other issues. I feel like we've got our biggest team ever.
We're going to fly a bit more again. We used to have people flying around like crazy, I think we're going to do that now that airlines are picking up again and there's more schedules.
We're going to have events again. We were barred by law from having our big Rebel conferences or our little Rebel get togethers. We're going to start — in fact, we've got news coming very soon about our first big event which will be in Alberta.
To watch full episodes of The Ezra Levant Show, which air Monday–Friday at 8 p.m. ET/6 p.m. MT, become a subscriber to RebelNews+.