Freeland DENIES independent press at campaign launch

Freeland’s campaign logo is “FREE LAND” (get it?) Too bad this former journalist’s alleged love of freedom does not extend to freedom of the press…

Former Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland officially kicked off her campaign for leader of the Liberal Party of Canada at a small community centre in midtown Toronto on Sunday.

And to paraphrase that Who lyric, “meet the new wannabe boss, same as the old boss.”

Which is to say Freeland was about 45 minutes late for her own event, just as Justin Trudeau is typically more than an hour late for his events – even, shockingly, pricey fundraisers! Why is it that Liberals do not respect our time?

Also, much like Trudeau these days, Freeland snuck into the venue via the tradesman’s entrance of the venue. Why? Well, pesky members of the independent press (including Rebel News) were awaiting her arrival, and her excellency in waiting did not want to be pestered by impolite questions.

Oh, why was the independent press banished to the frigid outdoors you ask? Well, just like Mark Carney’s presser in Edmonton last Thursday, only government-approved (and funded) journalists were allowed to attend. It’s much easier to control trained seals rather than independent minds.

Speaking of press freedom, how perversely ironic that Freeland used to be a journalist herself. But that was then and this is now. She’s currently a full-on politician who apparently no longer believes that the public has the right to know. Sad.

Speaking of politicking, the truly fascinating thing about the Freeland campaign (and its laughable slogan of “FREE LAND”) is that Freeland (lowercase) is positioning herself as an agent of change. Fascinating. Freeland has been an MP since 2013 and until she resigned, was the Deputy Prime Minister and the Finance Minister. Translation: Freeland has more baggage than the luggage sorting terminal at Pearson International Airport.

And indeed, that inventory of baggage is downright brutal. Such as:

- Record debt and soaring deficits – not good things to have on one’s resume if you happen to be the Minister of Finance;

- Freeland is a supporter of the debilitating carbon tax (alas, given that she is now officially on the campaign trail for Liberal Party leader, she’s hinting that she’ll claw-back the consumer part of that hated tax. And why would that be?);

- Let’s not forget that under her watch, she was responsible for irresponsible spending, inflation, the soaring cost of living, and ramping up the capital gains tax;

- Her so-called “solutions” to help Canadians enduring economic misery leave much to be desired – i.e., Freeland laughably advising Canadians to cancel their Disney+ subscriptions just as she did (and really: did she?);

- Let us never forget that Freeland was part of a government that vilified and demonized the 2022 Freedom Convoy and enacted the Emergencies Act in order to deal with it.) She was actually downright giddy when she was able to get Canadian banks to freeze the bank accounts of law-abiding Canadians who just happened to donate to the convoy (did we mention that her campaign slogan is “FREE LAND”?)

- Speaking of vilification and demonization, she had no trouble with her colleagues inferring that the freedom Convoy was made up of Nazis. Yet Freeland’s grandfather was a Nazi collaborator during WWII. And Freeland openly welcomed a real life bona fide nasty Nazi into the House of Commons in 2023 – former Waffen SS officer Yarolsav Hunka – to receive a standing ovation! This is why “Twitchy” also bears the dubious nickname “Fraulein Freeland”).

In any event, it is nothing short of jaw-dropping that Chrystia Freeland is positioning herself as an agent of change given that she is the ultimate Trudeau ally (or at least was.) It is reminiscent of Kamala Harris, in her failed presidential quest, stating that she was going to be an agent of change – even though she also incredulously stated that she would NOT have done anything differently these past four years as Vice President! So it is that Freeland is essentially Canada’s Kamala – hey, that’s got a ring to it, wouldn’t you say? And hey, Team Freeland, feel free to run with that slogan, no charge.

But back to Sunday’s campaign launch: Freeland really outsmarted herself in terms of controlling the narrative. Which is to say, members of the independent press were frog-marched out the door; meanwhile, members of Antifa and the pro-Hamas “river to the sea” crowd gained admittance under false pretenses. And once inside, they continually disrupted the event as control freak Freeland, clad yet again in that du rigueur ill-fitting tight red dress, internally fumed.

And even though her staffers actually tried to prevent attendees from speaking to Rebel News OUTSIDE the venue, we nevertheless did get to query these true believers. They remain totally supportive of Freeland and are certain this despite the carnage inflicted upon Canada this past decade, she is the best person to deal with U.S. President Donald Trump because Trump “fears her.” (And if you believe that nugget, we have beachfront property for sale in Saskatchewan…)

As well, the attendees we queried all plan to vote Liberal (“of course!”) in the next federal election. So it is the question arises: at this point in time, are these people mere supporters of a political party that is way past its best-before date – or members of a cult?

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David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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  • Bernhard Jatzeck
    commented 2025-01-21 22:11:52 -0500
    Only Canadian Pravda is allowed at such events. Pravda means “truth”.
  • Bruce Atchison
    commented 2025-01-21 20:04:06 -0500
    None so blind as those who won’t see. These Liberals can’t stand the truth so they associate with those who love lies. And look at how that bit them in the butt!