Edmonton protesters “want freedom of choice” after Kenney releases vaccine passport
Premier Jason Kenney went back on his word and issued a vaccine passport for Alberta. Protesters gathered to say they want the freedom to choose for themselves at the most recent Worldwide Freedom Rally.
The “best summer ever” promised to Albertans has tuned into the autumn of medical voyeurism. Along with the once rejected vaccine passport to participate in anything fun, the Kenney government has reinstated COVID restrictions on gatherings, churches and businesses. Oh, and masks. The masks are back everywhere.
The weekly anti-lockdown protests at the legislature grounds, which had dwindled after the premier swore that Alberta would be “open for good,” are ramping up again. The holdouts who continued to rally in the meantime, skeptical that the politicians would keep their word this time, have every right to be smug about just how correct they were.
The World Wide Rally for Freedom took place this Saturday at the Edmonton Legislature and in cities and towns all over the world, from Vancouver to Toronto to London. Rebel News was there with teams to cover the other side of the protests that you won't see in the mainstream media.
The people protesting are not anti-vaxxers. They want to be able to choose what medical procedures they are going to participate in; free from coercion. And I looked in Edmonton, high and low, and I could not find the dangerous, uncaring misogynists Trudeau told us would be there.
I did find a lot of moms worried about their kids being denied access to their sports, because they don't want to vaccinate their kids against COVID until more studies are done. There were no white supremacists that I could find, even though Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi had told me I would see some protesting the lockdown. Instead, I found people from all backgrounds united against the social perversion that is robbing people of privacy rights by forcing them to show their vaccine status to get a beer or go to a movie.
Rebel News, in partnership with the Democracy Fund, is challenging the segregation caused by vaccine passports and vaccination mandates by taking on strategic legal cases across the country. To donate, please visit www.FightVaccinePassports.com.
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