Extra $800K+ in receipts uncovered for Trudeau's failed UN Security Council bid

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Trudeau's free pandemic trip around the world to promote his failed UN Security Council bid cost over $800,000, including $72,000 on gourmet food for the flights.

After four years of wining and dining the world's worst dictators, Justin Trudeau failed to gain a coveted seat on the Security Council, finishing third, behind Norway and Ireland. Trudeau even went on a last minute taxpayer-funded vote gathering charm offensive hoping to seal the deal. Trudeau and a small entourage went on an international trip to Senegal, Ethiopia and Germany to pitch Canada’s candidacy. He was to go to the Caribbean, but ultimately sent François-Philippe Champagne in his place.

The cost breakdown of the last minute trip came in an order paper question asked by Conservative MP John Nater (Perth—Wellington). The total cost of the trip was pegged at $834,840 with food and drink making up nearly $72,000. In-flight entertainment (videos, magazines and movies) tallied $200.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation obtained other documents to detail the bureaucratic costs of the unsuccessful bid:

The records reveal the total salary costs for all bureaucrats assigned to the security seat campaign from 2016 to June 20, 2020. The salaries totalled $6,218,498, which came on top of $2,446,026 worth of operational expenses.

Previously, Rebel News reported Justin Trudeau spent $370,000 on food and catering and another $3,200 on booze on just six trips in the government Airbus in 2019.

View the document here:

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