EZRA LEVANT | Israel strikes Hezbollah as proxy war with Iran expands

About this Episode

On this free episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Israel expands its fights against radical Islam with targeted strikes against Hezbollah in Lebanon.

One year ago, the world was riveted by the war between Israel and the Hamas terrorist group based in Gaza. It was from Gaza that Hamas' terrorists flooded into southern Israel, breaking through the barriers, slaughtering approximately 1200 people and taking over 200 Israelis hostage.

The Jewish state responded in kind with boots on the ground and targeted military strikes of Hamas outposts.

Now to the north is Hezbollah, another terror group with ties to Iran, and in many ways more terrifying than Hamas. It was said the terror group has 100,000 rockets in its possession. If even 99% of those were shot down or went awry, Hezbollah could still punch through enough to cause a terrifying amount of carnage against non-combatants.

Meanwhile, an explosive charge had been sneaked among thousands of archaic beepers owned by Hezbollah, according to Israeli intelligence. 

In one fell swoop, the intimately precise targeting of thousands of Hezbollah leaders led to the deaths of many, injuring countless more. That was followed quickly by precision airstrikes on other key Hezbollah targets.

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