Ezra publishes new book: 'Trudeau’s Secret Plan'

Drea Humphrey and Sheila Gunn Reid discuss Rebel News' latest book by Ezra Levant, detailing what will happen to Canada if Justin Trudeau wins another election.

On Friday's Rebel Roundup livestream, Sheila Gunn Reid and Drea Humphrey discussed what readers should expect from Ezra Levant's new book, Trudeau's Secret Plan: What he’ll do to us if he wins again.

The book comes as a sequel to Levant's 2019 bestseller, The Libranos: What the media won’t tell you about Justin Trudeau’s corruption.

Sheila explained how Rebel News is still fighting a legal battle with elections officials over The Libranos, which the Canadian government is persecuting as "illegal election interference" on the taxpayer's dime. 

"I love the cover," she said about the new book. "It's sinister and goofy all at once, which is exactly how I would describe Justin Trudeau.

To get your own copy, head over to TrudeausSecretPlan.com! On that same website, you can preview the first chapter for free.

Please help us defeat censorship and get the word out about Trudeau's Secret Plan!

Justin Trudeau is desperate to silence Rebel News, but we won’t back down. My new book, Trudeau’s Secret Plan: What he’ll do to us if he wins again, reveals his terrifying agenda if he clings to power in 2025. This sequel to The Libranos — the best-selling exposé Trudeau is still prosecuting in court — exposes his dangerous plans for censorship, globalism, and corruption. Trudeau doesn’t want this book to see the light of day. That’s why he’s attacking Rebel News at every turn. But with your support, we can fight back, promote the truth, and expose his plans to Canadians before it’s too late. Please donate now to help us get the word out, defeat censorship and defend free speech!


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  • Bernhard Jatzeck
    commented 2024-12-15 19:38:59 -0500
    JT is only continuing with the dismantling of our country that began by you-know-who more than 50 years ago. In 2015, he never made that part of his platform, not that too many people would have caught on. (I must confess, I didn’t either, though I did regard what he said after his ascension to the throne as being somewhat peculiar.) Then again, his bought-off media lackeys wouldn’t have said anything, either because they approved of it or, equally as likely, they would have lost their seats at the golden trough.