Freedom fighters protest globalism at the World Health Organization in Geneva

Monday night's edition of The Ezra Levant Show was a special feature report from Geneva, Switzerland, where the World Health Organization is gathering for another round of discussions on a global pandemic treaty.

Ezra Levant was on the ground covering the summit and the happenings outside of the venue where anti-globalist protesters held a rally supporting national sovereignty.

"There are no longer 200 different countries in the world, with 200 legislatures and 200 little democracies; there's one globalist decision maker, and you're not invited," warned Ezra of the dangers of globalism.

Protesters from countries across the world gathered at the event, a coalition of beliefs from the political centre, left and right. "Obviously there is no one from the authoritarian left, they're fully into global lockdowns," Ezra said.

The WHO's efforts to concoct a binding global health treaty, giving the United Nations' health body unprecedented power, is an effort to "enslave us," said one protester. The globalist organization is "trying to remove our capacity to be an adult, who can decide for himself what is good and what is not" the man added.

Rebel News


Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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