How Reuters' fact-check highlights the spin on excess death rates in highly vaccinated countries

One of Rebel News’ articles citing a study on all-cause mortality was fact-checked by the Big Pharma-backed fact-checkers on the social media policing platform Facebook, and subsequently removed.

Titled COVID vaccines linked to excess deaths?” — which did not originally have a question mark after it — cited research from the British Medical Journal (BMJ) whose authors found that “COVID-19 containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines ... may have detrimental effect that cause inferior outcomes.”

The research claimed that it is “noteworthy that excess mortality during a crisis points to a more extensive underlying burden of disease, disablement and human suffering.” It even went so far as to say “Although COVID-19 vaccines were provided to guard civilians from suffering morbidity and mortality by the COVID-19 virus, suspected adverse events have been documented as well.”

The researchers’ analysis of placebo-controlled phase III randomized clinical trials of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna) found that “these serious adverse events lead to either death, are life-threatening, require inpatient (prolongation of) hospitalization, cause persistent/significant disability/incapacity, concern a congenital anomaly/birth defect or include a medically important event according to medical judgement.”

It sounds pretty self-explanatory.

Yet Reuters fact-checked various media outlets' articles of this analysis, claiming that the “Study does not say COVID vaccines may have fuelled excess deaths.”

They claim that because “researchers looked only at trends in excess mortality over time, not its causes,” this proves that excess deaths could not be a result of the novel mRNA injections.

According to Reuters, the mRNA injections that have never been mass produced or mass injected into the entirety of the global population before, are definitely not an underlying culprit in the persistent increase in excess deaths.

Reuters further states that “public health data scientists” told them that “the paper did not establish a link to vaccines and said it actually showed excess deaths had begun falling in 2022.”

If one looks at the data, that’s not true.

Houston-based Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCCA) founding physician Dr. Joseph Varon, who treated patients throughout the COVID hysteria, says the correlation between the rollout of the novel injections with increases in all-cause mortality is fascinating.

Normally, every country has a certain number of people that die every year. That happens all over the world. Then when you look at the data, the last four years, suddenly we have an exponential increase in the number of deaths.

Well, you would say that's because COVID hit. But that's not necessarily true, because when you look at what happened to the COVID mortality, it actually went down.

So, you say, why is this excessive number of deaths going up? And it is fascinating to see that that correlates with the rolling out of the mRNA vaccines.

Now, you may not want to believe it. Your fact-checkers may want to say, this is not right. I mean, I'm just putting it out to people to make up their own educated decisions. If you see that something is going up at the same time that you release a new agent?

Dr. Varon points out data from Portugal that shows it was one of the countries that had the highest number of people vaccinated, and it now has the highest mortality after the rollout of the vaccines of any country in Europe.

“If that doesn't show cause and effect,” he says, “I don't know what else does. And yes, your fact-checkers probably will tell you this is not true. But like I said, just look at the data. And you make up your own mind.”

Indeed, the study data itself paints a clear picture.

Figure one shows that excess deaths begin to decline in the first quarter of 2022 then rapidly increase again in December of that year. The study repeatedly notes that “Preliminary and incomplete all-cause mortality reports are available for 2022” meaning that the final numbers are, in part, yet to be determined.

Figure three further confirms this, with all-cause mortality seeing a marketable jump in December of 2022 in six countries in the Western World.

As pointed out by John Campbell in the UK, excess deaths continue to persist into 2023 and 2024, with Canada still seeing consistent increases in excess deaths, well above the 10% give or take baseline for yearly excess mortality projections.

Although excess mortality has been somewhat declining, it still hasn’t come back down to pre-pandemic and novel injection rollout levels. That is a fabrication and only a half-truth on the part of the fact-checkers.

The fact-checkers at Reuters source Stuart McDonald, who self-identifies as a COVID actuary as the deputy chair for the Continuous Mortality Investigation. The Institute and Faculty of Actuaries describes actuaries as people who predict the future.

After disregarding vaccines and lockdowns as culprits in this continued concerning trend of increases to excess deaths globally, McDonald says “one would need to explain why the highest-vaccinated countries — New Zealand, Denmark and Australia — had the lowest excess deaths.”

Except one look at the data shows those countries, which had upwards of 80% compliance with the double doses, still have notable increases in excess deaths that persist to this day.

And he says that the least vaccinated countries — for example, Albania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Montenegro — had the highest excess deaths.

While it’s true that those countries had low vaccine uptake, hovering around 30–45%, their excess deaths relate directly to lockdown measures and supposed waves of infection in 2021, but the data clearly show that excess mortality has since returned to normal and has not continued to persist into 2022, 2023 and 2024.

This is in stark contrast to those other highly vaccinated countries (New Zealand, Denmark and Australia) where notable increases to all-cause mortality continue to persist.

COVID actuary McDonald says the excess deaths coincide with COVID deaths, but according to Our World In Data, these datasets are unreliable.

“Due to varying protocols and challenges in the attribution of the cause of death, the number of confirmed deaths may not accurately represent the true number of deaths caused by COVID-19,” they say. How does actuary McDonald confidently make this assertion?

Rebel News contacted the Reuters Fact Checking Unit to ask this, and other relevant questions. Brian Moss, the editor, ethics and standards at Reuters, and Stephanie Burnett, the head of Reuters Fact Check were also included in the communication.

The inquiry included questions about how actuary Stuart McDonald was chosen as the expert on this file and who was responsible for fact-checking his claims.

Rebel News wondered what steps the fact-checking unit, as a signatory of the Poynter Institute's International Fact Checkers Network that receives hefty government grants, takes to ensure fact checks are at arm's length from government narratives and messaging.

Furthermore, the success of the IFCN is linked to complex relationships with vaccine-profiting organizations. How does Reuters ensure the impartiality of pharma-related fact-checks if Big Pharma funds this operation? And why doesn’t the article differentiate between a rise in excess deaths and the persistent increase that continued throughout 2022 onward?

Heather Carpenter, senior director of communications, responded that “Reuters is committed to reporting fairly, accurately and independently, in keeping with the Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. We stand by our reporting.”

This lackluster, meaningless response highlights a glaring lack of accountability, leaving food for thought around who’s responsible for fact-checking the fact-checkers and ensuring their impartiality, especially when their assessments greatly influence public perception and discourse.

With entire units dedicated to this censorship and manipulation of public opinion, it’s clear that the integrity and objectivity of fact-checking organizations cannot be trusted. 

Tamara Ugolini

Senior Editor

Tamara Ugolini is an informed choice advocate turned journalist whose journey into motherhood sparked her passion for parental rights and the importance of true informed consent. She critically examines the shortcomings of "Big Policy" and its impact on individuals, while challenging mainstream narratives to empower others in their decision-making.


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