LIVE UPDATES: Ezra Levant appeals 'The Libranos' book court decision

Trudeau's hyper-partisan Elections Canada claims that Levant's 2019 book, The Libranos, was illegal campaign interference.

Rebel News boss Ezra Levant is in downtown Toronto this morning at the Federal Court of Appeal over his best-selling 2019 book, The Libranos.

This is Levant's fourth time in court over the book, which Elections Canada claims was illegal campaign interference. The Rebel News boss is facing up against an army of Trudeau's lawyers being funded by taxpayers during the appeal, while Levant has one lawyer.

Follow along below for live updates:

Help fund our legal fight against the censorship of Canadian authors — and help save Ezra!

Rebel News is appealing a Federal Court's decision to outlaw 'The Libranos' and to fine Ezra Levant $13,000 for writing it. We have to fight back and set a precedent for freedom. We must fight — not just for Ezra's book, but for everyone’s. Please chip in here to support the appeal — and to help save Ezra from a possible criminal prosecution for his next book about Trudeau. As a special thank-you for any donation of $250 or more, we will send you a hand-signed copy of Ezra's forthcoming book. That book will be a collector’s item — it could literally be banned in Canada! (Thank you.)


Rebel News


Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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  • David Lewis
    commented 2024-11-27 19:39:58 -0500
    Hi Ezra. Just wanted to let you know that as soon as I receive my $250.00 “BRIBE FOR VOTES” cheque from the most hated PM ever I will be sending you $125.00 and the other $125.00 to the PC Party of Canada. This borrowed $250.00 BRIBE will wined up costing me $3 or $4 thousand dollars by the time it is repaid in 10 to 25 years. Only if he would loose gravity and get sucked into the Sun. Tomorrow would not be soon enough.