New Blue Ontario leader Jim Karahalios on Doug Ford's out-of-control spending
Ontario Premier Doug Ford's Progressive Conservative government recently re-tabled its Budget 2022, which laid out the fiscal plan for Ontario through 2024/25. Despite parading as fiscal conservatives, the Ford PCs are set to outspend the previous Liberal government under Kathleen Wynne.
On last night's episode of the Ezra Levant Show, guest host David Menzies was joined by New Blue Party of Ontario leader Jim Karahalios (@JimKarahalios on Twitter) to discuss what Ontarians can expect from the Ford government's latest budget.
Explaining the implications of the budget, Jim told David:
For all those years — 15 years — we heard the PC Party when they would go soft on issues concerning parents, like the sex ed curriculum; when they would go soft on other issues that weren't fiscal in nature, they would say: "trust us, when we get in power, when we get that majority, we're going to be good stewards of the economy". And as bad as Kathleen Wynne and Dalton McGuinty were, Doug Ford and the PCs are worse — and that's not just because the New Blue Party is saying it. We have the Fraser Institute who did a study, it's not their first one, they've done a few in the last five years — and Doug Ford, like you said off the top, is spending 25% more than Kathleen Wynne did when she was premier, and a greater deficit on an annual basis than the Liberals ever did in 15 years. And that's excluding COVID spending, because remember, he was spending like that before COVID and now supposedly COVID's over, and he's spending like that after COVID. And to make matters worse, David, we can get into this: no structural tax reductions, tax relief, especially for individuals living in Ontario. So many people are leaving Ontario, and services are getting worse.
This is just a clip from the full episode of the Ezra Levant Show.
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