Ontario senior detained at Pearson airport and fined for not sharing personal medical information

Let’s be frank: flying into and out of so many Canadian airports is a downright hellacious experience these days. Indeed, recently Toronto’s Pearson International Airport was ranked as the number one worst airport in the world. From outrageous lineups and lost luggage to misplaced pets almost dying in their cages. And then there is the intrusive, albeit useless, app that is ArriveCAN. In Canada, thanks to the vindictive Trudeau Liberals, airline travel is no longer a matter of “flying the friendly skies”; rather, getting on and off a plane these days resembles the title of that classic Twilight Zone episode; namely, “Nightmare at 20,000 Feet”.

But what recently happened to 72-year-old Sophia Rouchotas is almost beyond belief. Sophia, who resides in Stouffville, Ont., flew into Pearson from Iceland recently – only to be treated like a terrorist by Canada Border Service Agency staff and even members of the Peel Regional Police. (Wait a second; we stand corrected. The Justin Trudeau Liberals love terrorists. Sometimes such Islamo-Nazis are even compensated with eight-figure cheques for hurt feelings, but we digress…)

As for Sophia, she was detained for hours at Pearson and then served with $7,500 in fines. Her crime? Well, she believed that the Pearson goon squad did not have a right to her personal medical records. (So much for “my body, my choice” – or does that chestnut only pertain to terminating the life of an unborn baby?)

But the most egregious thing of all: because of the stress of being held captive for hours, Sophia’s blood pressure began to soar. She had medicine in her suitcase, but the CBSA agents and the Peel Police officers played a dangerous game: they initially prevented Sophia from accessing her medicine unless she consented to answering all their questions. Yes – they used her medicine as a bargaining chip!

Sophia held her ground; her blood pressure continued to soar; and eventually paramedics had to attend to her. Absolutely beyond the pale…

Check out our interview with Sophia Rouchotas, our newest Fight the Fines client, courtesy of The Democracy Fund. We are not going to allow this outrage to stand.

David Menzies

Mission Specialist

David “The Menzoid” Menzies is the Rebel News "Mission Specialist." The Menzoid is equal parts outrageous and irreverent as he dares to ask the type of questions those in the Media Party would rather not ponder.


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