Patrick Brown: A fake conservative, a sneaky hypocrite and a brazen liar

On last night's episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Ezra gave his thoughts on the federal Conservative Party leadership race and each of the candidates who have now announced campaigns for the party's top spot.

Here's a bit of what Ezra had to say on Patrick Brown:

You might wonder why I have a bee in my bonnet about Patrick Brown. The real answer is that he is not truly conservative and he's been this lifelong political grifter. But it was his encounter with David Menzies, when we heard that 'Lockdown Patrick Brown', who had enforced one of the strictest lockdowns in North America, was secretly playing hockey with his pals in a public arena that was closed to children. Our David Menzies went to that arena and caught Patrick Brown red-handed. The way he lied about it in the moment, and the way he lied about it afterwards and had David charged with trespassing, is a disgrace that no one should ever forget.

This is just an excerpt from The Ezra Levant Show. To watch the full thing, become a subscriber to Rebel News+.

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