Race hustler Shaun King reportedly spent $40,000 on a prize dog with PAC donations

Black Lives Matter activist and race hustler Shaun King has been outed for using public donations to his political PAC to buy a prize show dog worth $40,000. 

According to a Monday report by the Washington Free Beacon, King’s PAC, Grassroots Law, has provided the sum to Potrero Performance Dogs in California through multiple payments since December. 

As detailed by the publication, “Grassroots Law PAC, which aims to ‘elect candidates who are committed to reducing mass incarceration and police violence,’ has spent nearly as much on King's pet as it has on political candidates.” 

According to the publication, King's PAC paid the dog breeder $10,000 in December, followed by $30,650 in February. 

Within days of the second payment, King, who's often referred to as "Talcum X" on social media, graced Facebook with a post welcoming “a new member of the King family,” a prize show dog named Marz, a purebred cane corso. 

Since being called out on his expense, King has made the post private. 

The Washington Free Beacon reported: 

"This luxury dog expense may not be illegal for a PAC, but it shows little respect for King's donors," said Scott Walter, the president of Capital Research Center, which investigates left-wing groups. An heiress of the Hormel meatpacking empire is the PAC's largest donor. Facebook cofounder Dustin Moskovitz and his wife donated millions of dollars to Real Justice PAC, which King launched in 2018 and works closely with Grassroots Law. 


King has come under fire over the years amid repeated failures at his various social justice endeavors. The mother of Tamir Rice, a 12-year-old Ohio boy killed by police, said King "robbed" her by holding unauthorized fundraisers in her son's name. A former King ally, DeRay Mckesson, has publicly accused him of fraud. Real Justice PAC was ordered in December to pay $30,000 to the city of Philadelphia for campaign finance violations in the race to elect District Attorney Larry Krasner (D.). 

King has denied allegations of fraud, chalking his failed projects up to poor management or false claims from his enemies. He released an audit in 2019 that said he received a $4,166 monthly salary from Real Justice PAC and "no compensation at all" from Action PAC, the predecessor to Grassroots Law PAC. He said he was "literally the only person" on Action PAC's staff who does not get paid.

Ian Miles Cheong


Ian Miles Cheong is a freelance writer, graphic designer, journalist and videographer. He’s kind of a big deal on Twitter.



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