Ron DeSantis lambasts Biden admin’s pursuit of Venezuelan oil
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is lambasting the Biden administration’s engagement with Nicolas Maduro’s authoritarian regime in Venezuela in pursuit of oil.
As America’s domestic energy policies continue to languish, the Biden administration has sought to fulfill the country’s energy demands by reigniting diplomatic ties with the likes of Venezuela and Iran. Gulf oil producers Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates earlier this week refused to take calls from Joe Biden over the production of oil.
Speaking at a roundtable discussion in Miami-Dade County where he was joined by Venezuelan Americans, DeSantis addressed the Biden administration’s resumption of diplomatic contact with the brutal Maduro regime in Caracas.
The Republican governor highlighted the failures of Biden’s energy policies, which have led to record-high inflation and gas prices.
“Many Americans and a lot of Floridians are very angered by the Biden administration‘s recent attempts to legitimize the brutal Maduro regime in Venezuela,” said Governor Ron DeSantis.
“This is part of a familiar pattern of the Biden administration thumbing its nose at millions of people here in Florida, just like when it took FARC off the terrorism list and didn’t lift a finger to help the democracy protesters in Cuba,” added DeSantis. “Now, Biden is going hat in hand to legitimize Nicolas Maduro, who is responsible for countless atrocities and has driven Venezuela into the ground.”
“The United States should be energy independent, but instead gas prices have been going up consistently since January 20, 2021,” the governor continued. “Now we’re in a situation where people are really hurting and rather than acknowledge that their policies have been ineffective, they’re going to Maduro and they’re going to the ayatollahs in Iran.”
“The answer is American energy independence, not propping up Nicolas Maduro,” DeSantis asserted. “We’re saying here today: No, we do not accept Joe Biden legitimizing a murderous tyrant and we stand with the people in South Florida and the people in Venezuela who are seeking freedom.”
The United States has seen record-high inflation and across-the-board increases in prices at the gas pump, which have heavily impacted Floridians and middle and working class Americans across the country.
According to the governor’s press office, DeSantis has called on the Florida Legislature to enact a gas tax holiday to provide relief to Floridians at the pump and “he is looking forward to that legislation hitting his desk.”
Additionally, the Florida State Board of Administration will continue to refrain from investments in Venezuelan entities and all state agencies are prohibited from engaging with the Venezuelan government or Venezuelan companies.
“The Biden Administration’s secret meeting with the tyrannical despot Maduro legitimizes a cruel regime and is a demoralizing betrayal of those who have risked their lives for freedom in Venezuela and elsewhere,” Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez said. “The U.S. should not rely on our enemies for energy. Instead, we should hold dictators accountable and increase domestic energy production here at home. That is why I am proud to stand alongside Governor DeSantis in condemning the White House for emboldening Maduro's dictatorship and refusing to pursue US energy independence.”
Video of the roundtable discussion was published on Rumble.
Ian Miles Cheong
Ian Miles Cheong is a freelance writer, graphic designer, journalist and videographer. He’s kind of a big deal on Twitter.