Should ALBERTA become the 51st state?
Is it time Albertans finally made good on their dream of separating from Ottawa?
Suggesting Alberta separate from Canada is not a new concept; however, now more than ever, it may be the solution to the province's unfair treatment as a federation partner.
President Trump has announced 25% tariffs are on their way for Canada, largely thanks to Trudeau’s failure to act on border security and the drug crisis plaguing North America. Trump gave us an ultimatum, help resolve these issues we share with our biggest ally and closest neighbour, or face the consequences of tariffs. Of course, Trudeau took the opportunity to threaten the world’s greatest superpower with dollar for dollar retaliation, “everything is on the table”.
NOW: President-elect Trump reveals Trudeau warned him that Canada would be "obliterated" by his 25% tariff threat. Trump dismisses Canada's energy wealth and trade relations. Doubles down on his 'economic' annexation by offering us to "be the 51st state." @rebelnews_ca
— Rebel News (@RebelNewsOnline) January 10, 2025
With a history of targeting Alberta’s energy sector for the sake of “climate change”, and his father before him targeting it for federal funding, it’s no wonder the province is on edge with how Justin Trudeau’s federal Liberal government have handled the latest tariff negotiations. On Trump’s announcement the Canadian dollar has already fallen off a cliff, millions of Canadians are on edge with regards to their employment security, and a “pandemic-level” relief plan using taxpayer dollars is being considered by the Liberals to counter the expected damage that may be incoming.
Wouldn’t it be simpler, and provide more prosperity for Albertans, if the province finally unequivocally said no to Ottawa? From the scandalous climate activism to the massive equalization thievery to the perpetual cold shoulder from Ottawa, perhaps a new “golden age” Trump has promised isn’t such a bad idea.
He’s already offered for Canada to become the 51st state, which Ottawa has of course refused, but what if the province of Alberta decided to take him up on it?

Sydney Fizzard
Video Journalist
After seeing the manipulation and harm caused by the pandemic narrative, Sydney Fizzard started on the path of reporting in mid 2020. With an interest in hearing from everyday Canadians, politicians, business owners, religious figures and community leaders, Syd aims to reveal underlying truths and examine societal movement. Notably, Syd spent 16 consecutive days at the Coutts, Alberta border blockade.
Don Hrehirchek commented 2025-01-31 20:30:51 -0500Yes Andrea M. You are certainly on the correct path. Your knowledge and determination will accomplish what You have set out to do. Thumbs up on My part.
Andrea McGurran commented 2025-01-31 18:41:41 -0500Don Hrehirchek. You’re welcome! I agree that it will take time, but if our Premier is the power lady that we think she is, she can move this along faster. Just because the feds and their appointed Supreme Court of Canada judges think they govern the terrain, they are in for a wake up call. Other regions globally have separated by just simply declaring independence and then rallying international support to recognize independence. I am working on documentary that is dealing with these and other questions. It is a huge and difficult process, but if the feds won’t budge then Albertans have to do what they are famous for – taking no garbage from anyone. In other words, make it happen.
Don Hrehirchek commented 2025-01-31 18:21:59 -0500First things first. The vote. Then armed forces etc. Quebec had a vote and nearly left. These things take time as You and I probably know that government usually move at a snails pace. Can Be done and If one does not try one will never know. No doubt there are many other things to consider. But much can be done discreetly. Thanks Andrea M for Your comments.
Andrea McGurran commented 2025-01-31 18:14:02 -0500Having spent a lot of time in the US and other countries (lived and worked in 7 different countries), the US may have definite problems, but emotions aside, it’s got a much better structure. If Alberta could keep its health coverage and be mainly autonomous like other states, then there is no reason why it wouldn’t work. Many places in the world have taken this step, but, as it stands, currently, Alberta doesn’t have a big or stable enough economy and infrastructure to survive as a country. Canada is struggling to survive as a country because it has deceived everyone, played favorites, discriminated continuously as is mandated by the Canadian Constitution, and it doesn’t have enough to survive without the US. Putting trusts issues to one side is necessary to understand how much Alberta can benefit from this move. Let’s hope we won’t have to ask the US for military support to leave.
Don Hrehirchek commented 2025-01-31 17:36:53 -0500Yes Scott P. Any province can become an individual country. First step is to get the voters of that province to vote for this concept. Only ones that would be allowed to vote would only be the members of that province.
Scott Phillips commented 2025-01-31 17:33:24 -0500I strongly dislike the Canadian government. And I don’t trust the US government, although most of their constitution is good. I like Trump, but even there, there are some red flags. Still, if it came down to it, being part of the United States would be better than what we have now.
But what I’d really be for, is forming a new country. Take the best of the US constitution for our own. -
Don Hrehirchek commented 2025-01-31 17:01:31 -0500Now that is common sense. Thanks Bruce A.
Bruce Atchison commented 2025-01-31 16:58:49 -0500The only upside for me is having that wonderful second amendment. And the first is stronger than we have in Canada. But then we’d have a bigger bureaucracy to deal with. America wants our water and minerals. I think we need to get rid of Laurentia and focus on the country as a whole. And can that equalization scam which encourages sloth and covetousness.
Don Hrehirchek commented 2025-01-31 16:55:33 -0500That fore should be fire.
Don Hrehirchek commented 2025-01-31 16:54:30 -0500YES CANADA MAY HAVE ITS PROBLEMS . . In My view one would be jumping from one fore into another. I think emotion should be left out of the equation. Let common sense prevail. Mr. T. may last the 4 year term and then what happens. Would You be happy with the democrats? Think about this for the moment and honestly question Your desires.
Andrea McGurran commented 2025-01-31 16:44:21 -0500Canada’s punished Alberta long enough. Two Commi Trudeau’s, one dictator Trudeau, treasonous Liberals, treasonous NDP, 2 known ISIS members running freely around Canada (feds don’t know where), well over 4.9 million temporary asylum seekers (refugees) (many still here from the 80s) getting free handouts and homes while Albertans freeze to death on the streets and others starve in poor homes, and with the threats from China and Russia, we need to think seriously about it. Alberta would benefit more from being part of the US. Canada hasn’t been the best country in the world for decades. People are starving. Alberta is being kept from running its own resources. Enough is enough. Canada can stay, but Alberta should leave Canada and join the US. The taxes in Canada before Trudeau 2 were the highest in the West and are even higher now. People have been lied to about the Constitution and Charter of Rights created by Trudeau 1, deceiving Canadians into a fraudulent and non-existent democracy. At least 50% of young men interviewed across Canada wouldn’t say no to Trump. We can’t make Canada work for Albertans anymore. Read and about learn the truth about Canada, and realize that the education system and federal government have been lying to us since 1982: . It’s not just Trudeau, but the whole Canadian establishment that has set itself against Albertans. My son was made homeless because his new career out of school was in the oil and gas industry. He spent a fortune getting his tickets and now he can only sleep in a small room in his sister’s condo. And what about all the other homeless people, who are not mainly drug addicts or criminals. There’s Albertan vets, elderly, and families homeless, many living on the streets. Alberta could be building homes for these people and giving them good jobs, but Canada is taxing us all to death! It’s unacceptable! Even without Trudeau, Alberta is the whipping boy! Albertans deserve better than Canada and if Trump is offering much lower taxes, military protection, real human freedoms and rights with real laws that protect us, and good job opportunities, then where do we sign up? Trump was clear that oil and gas will not be tariffed. My son would love to get his old job back and how many clever Albertans could start businesses and be successful? We could finally have proper roads and infrastructure in the countryside. All kids and all families could live better. Our education system could finally get the input that it needs and lacks. Time to vote Trump, people, not because we hate Canada, but because Canada hates us.
Jerrold Lundgard commented 2025-01-31 05:09:19 -0500Alberta becoming the 51st state would avoid and end the economic policies of the Liberals and supported by the federal bureaucrats with expense accounts that are destroying the Canadian economy and destroying the economy in Alberta.
Statehood would solve many economic problems for Alberta, giving sovereignty over economy, resources, and taxes back to Alberta. -
Wade Collinge commented 2025-01-30 22:48:24 -0500I am sick and tired of the East, maybe it’s time to join the South.
Tim Hohm commented 2025-01-30 22:24:59 -0500Alberta has more friends in the US than the rest of Canada.
Bernhard Jatzeck commented 2025-01-30 20:06:48 -0500If joining the U. S. means I’ll have freedom and I can live comfortably, Mr. Trump, let’s make a deal.