Trudeau Liberals working alongside UN gun grabbers

Busy bodies at the United Nations are insistent with their belief that global rules and regulations are the key to solving all of the world's woes. It should come as no surprise then that the UN is aiming to assert its influence over the firearms industry. Last year, UN officials were hammering out details around an attempt at regulating ammunition.

On this week's episode of The Gunn Show, Sheila Gunn Reid was joined by Rick Igercich, president of the National Firearms Association, whose organization just attended a five-day UN firearms summit to lobby on behalf of law-abiding Canadian gun owners.

Rick told Sheila about what the goal of the UN conference was, the problems their ideas might pose, and how the Trudeau Liberals would happily enact this global agenda here in Canada:

The big thing was the tracing of firearms and parts. What the UN wants is to mark every part on a firearm, including the smallest spring, so if this firearm turns up somewhere on the planet, they can trace that part back to its original origin.

There's a couple problems with that: number one, the way lawsuits go these days. Something happens with that firearm, it opens up the possibility of suing the guy that made the spring in I don't know where, it opens him up to a lawsuit.

The other problem is, when you're talking marking parts in a firearm, you're talking doubling or tripling the price of that firearm.

So, in my opinion, what they're trying to do, by doing this is again like the Canadian government does: they're trying to get rid of firearms by attrition. It's the same deal worldwide as it is in Canada.

The thing with the United Nations, they make all these proclamations. At the end of this conference, they made 80 or 90 proclamations. Proclamations are not enforceable; United Nations proclamations are not enforceable.

They can only be put into place if a government like ours takes them and uses them, which no doubt Justin Trudeau will take these and put them into place, that's why they had their delegate there talking about domestic violence.

Rebel News


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