What do ordinary British people think of Tommy Robinson?

Ezra Levant asks British residents on the streets of London about their thoughts on Tommy Robinson, the state of free speech in the U.K., immigration, and more.

While on a mission in the U.K., Rebel News publisher Ezra Levant spoke with British residents in London about their thoughts on incarcerated journalist and activist Tommy Robinson.

Robinson is currently being held in solitary confinement after publishing a documentary called Silenced, which exposes the two-tiered justice system and corruption present in the U.K.

In a letter to Robinson's lawyer, the governor of the prison where he's being held conceded that “the polarising nature of his ideology” is partially why he's being punished to solitary confinement.

Speaking about Robinson's incarceration, one man actually said that he thinks Robinson should be behind bars for even longer than he currently is set to be.

"It's not long enough for him, he should have been jailed for longer. He's racist," the man said.

Ezra asked a different man if it's possible that Robinson is being targeted by law enforcement for shining a light on uncomfortable truths.

"No he hasn't, his is the politics of hate and prejudice and it's as simple as that," the man said. "You know what I would say to him and all people like him, is when people stop wanting to come to this country, we are really in trouble," he added.

Despite many Brits showing their disdain for Robinson, the journalist and activist's documentary Silenced has been viewed over 155 million times on X. Robinson has also mentioned that he has received countless letters of support while incarcerated.

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In the UK, deviating from the government’s approved narrative can now lead to prison terms, a chilling reality that threatens to silence dissent and reinforce a two-tier justice system. If they can jail Tommy Robinson for speaking out, no citizen is truly safe from retribution for criticizing government agendas. With Tommy banned from most platforms where he could defend himself, the mainstream media cannot be trusted to fairly represent his story. Rebel News believes the world must witness the truth about Tommy Robinson and understand the broader implications of his struggle. If you share our mission, please stand with Rebel News and help us cover our expenses for Rebel News to report on Tommy’s trials and imprisonment firsthand.


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Articles written by staff at Rebel News to help tell the other side of the story. 


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  • Frank Narejko
    commented 2025-02-02 14:49:47 -0500
    It all depends who’s talking if it’s free speech or not.